Free Character Transfers – Wrath of the Lich King Classic

A majority of my char’s names are available, and they aren’t necessarily super complicated or obscure either.

Edit: no clue why it defaulted to some random alt, was suppose to be Catyra-westfall

Man can we please open up like clone transfers to. So I can play a bloody permanent wrath classic realm forever If I want to. Thanks blizz.


They need to let us xfer guild banks, but they would rather suck another 40k out of everyone they can.

On top of that I have 6 alliance toons left on Mankrik from when all the Ally xfered at the start of TBC that would be nice to have back on a different server they are forcing us to move to.


No doubt, not moving a guild bank with a forced transfer is unacceptable.


There is no plan for guilds. The decision was probably made in a meeting 10 minutes before the post was put up. Look at how little information there is and the plain text formatting in the post.


GG OB, it was a good run.

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They need a place for PvE to land other than Mankrik/Pagle. Frankly, Westfall should have been a 4th option.


Yeah westfall is pretty good just everyone is inactive right now due to burnout.

Adding my voice due to the immense disappointment and disgust at being unable to do a guild transfer. Either implement that or at least refund guild tab purchases upon transferring


what happens to the guilds?


Add an option to the Guild Merchant to buy back Guild Bank Tabs at full purchase price before you transfer, so when you arrive at your new destination, you can build your Guild Bank once again. How hard could that be?


Just want to add in about BsB. There are 4 servers with 2-3x our population being consolidated on that list (Ashkandi, Windseeker, Westfall, + Old Blanchy). Yes, it’s the RP realm, but it feels really bad to see larger realms get transfers while we get the options of spending money or waiting for the server to die out completely.

And in support of those impacted, please let their guilds transfer or help with their purchased Guild banks.


Having no statement for the guilds is just neglect. This post seems like an afterthought with minimal consideration of their paying customers/players. It is entirely unacceptable to not refund or transfer guilds. The last 2 tabs of a guild bank cost 15,000 gold just for those 2 tabs, let alone the others. Your team should be ashamed of such hasty posts that causes confusion and harm to your players. ffs Blizz…


I wish that you would allow free transfers to low-amount-of-raiding-guilds realms like BSB, so it might give a boost of pop without causing a major disruption to the community (And hopefully avoid closing the server in the future).

Give them a break. They’re a $69 billion company. They can’t be expected to think through and deliberate every single little decision before acting. Come on now.


I mean, they don’t care about those of us who want to continue on permanent wrath classic progression era realms. Not really surprised they don’t care about the guilds and communities moving forward into cataclysm either.


What happens if you have WoW Tokens that you bought with gold sitting in your bags? It’s not letting me transfer servers because I don’t want to “redeem” them yet.

If Blizzard is going to force me to redeem 9 months worth of tokens (about $135 worth of game time) in one go just to transfer off a dead server, I’ll be quitting the game. :frowning:


No mention of Grobbulus on this list? The community there has pretty much all stopped playing or have moved to a bigger server. Seems like y’all overlooked a few important servers to consolidate

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When will the free transfers be available?

I feel ripped off. Blizzard owes me $150 for the transfers I bought the last week of February.