Free Character Moves Now Available in This Region

In that case, remove a few more layers so more people see that button

RIP Earthfury realm, gonna be packed like Herod :joy:

as of right now it feels like a ghost town.

I just realized today that we must ‘re-choose’ a character to be our forum character, and in so doing, we get to choose our updated, higher-level character from the list. Mine was stuck at level 12 for days. Once I clicked to ‘choose a new character’, my Troll was level 20. So, for now, do it manually!

They already let us chose… we chose wrong!

Has the increased realm population cap been lowered back down to the original state as it was on release? If not this would be an incentive for guilds/players to transfer during the window.


Well, that’s one way to force the issue.

However, Blizzard would probably take a lot of flak for purposefully lowering the p/layer cap to increase queue times.

I hate how you funnel in the Huge Streamer server in with the Huge Anti-Streamer server…


you don’t have to worry about that. only people transferring off faerlina will be people like me who severely underestimated the impact their personalities and playstyle would have on the server.

Oh? Is it that bad?

Well, that was an informative take on how they done everything humanly possible to avoid, what was written on the wall.

And, the layering abuse is directly on them. They were informed about it and said they fixed it. In the end, greed on the front end (beta, stress tests) and being on the back end (number of servers available at launch), is the cause. Not the customers that, that subbed early to get their names and being with their friends and guild mates.

The were limited options and as new servers were dripped dripped out, they also filled…that is on them.

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For how long will the transfer be available?

The only information we have is in the blue post. For reference it is the first post of the thread.

Rn Faerlina is 900 que has been 6k at this time every day

I just logged into Herod and there was NO queue or there was NO nothing to transfer button. Not sure if enough people already transfered and now the transfers are closed???

No source on using code to elimiante hopping.

Lots of sources they can open up servers. I watched a two hour stream where they repeated multiple times that it is easy to open up new servers. Hint: Ron Jeremy looking Retribution Paladin stream featuring the top two senior devs, one of which looks like Tony Stark.

faerlina transfers have not even started…

Hit the stop button

I wonder if the Classic rush has decreased, or if Blizzard temporarily increased the p/layer cap.

It’s 6pm on east coast and still no que. Glad this finally happened so i can actually go out late instead of staying in if I want to play.