Free Character Moves for this Region

Every character you have on the realm. I did the transfer last time it came up and moved like 8 toons.

It’s a straight transfer, no faction swapping. While the transfers are open to both factions, any characters you move remain on their current faction.

Faction changes will be a disaster for the unbalanced pvp server, everybody will go on the dominating faction. they should never do that

I believe they know what they’re doing and that everything’s going according to planz.
funnel the comminity through layering and limited amount of realms while not stretching us too thin as they prepare for the drop off and phase 2/ no layering

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No one will leave Grobb. Barely anyone left last time.

can we please get a transfer option for remulos, one of my friends for some reason thought pvp servers would be completely awful but we found out that pve is extremely boring and unfun. I really wanna swap to pvp but not lose all my playtime.

That won’t really happen because PvE players get a lot of advantages in leveling speed, farming and gearing up through the sheer fact that there is no WPvP, it would be unfair for PvP players if PvE players could transfer to their servers after having reaped rewards from those advantages.

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Let me give you the story of Arcanite Reaper, when it opened, same with Anathema to I am sure, within seconds of it opening people came in screamed “oh god its dead” and then ran to the forums and reddit and all the other places saying the same gd thing. So for days we had to sit thru people screaming oh god its dead every 2 seconds and logging off so the next moron could log on and do the same. Even at medium population you still see people saying it, and they run back to their server q, wait a few hours, login, and tell all the lazy people who didn’t transfer, oh god its dead, and they nod their heads sagely and stay there. So congrats on joining a long (2 weeks anyway) derpy tradition, when you wonder why blizz can’t fix the q or why your server is dead, all you gotta do is look in a mirror and see the reason why.


While I agree that Heartseeker has a perfect population right now, we probably could use a couple thousand more so that in a few months when people stop playing as often it will stay perfect.

I have no source for this, but I think blizzard’s term for “full” on these new servers for allowing transfers is probably based on the phase 2 version of full, not week 1 release.

Because of that, I recommend anyone who wants to come to Heartseeker to do it as soon as you can. They might shut off transfers earlier than expected for our server because it seems to have shifted in public perception and is probably the healthiest pop of the new servers, so people will actually be tempted to move this transfer season.

I’m excited to see you all on Heartseeker, but now that this is the third chance, if you don’t move quickly you really can’t complain in a couple weeks when they shut down layers and lower concurrent player count and queues skyrocket. You should learn from other’s horror stories from last time of getting guilds split between servers as they were mid transfer when they shut down the service last time. Don’t be that guild and transfer quickly. They can - and likely will - shut down transfers if they reach whatever number they’re deeming as unhealthy for the future.

For context, we reached almost 4K concurrent players (horde and alliance combined) on Heartseeker on Sunday night, so we probably have room for maybe 2-3k more people during peak times at most in a single layer. I don’t know what numbers they’re aiming for, but I imagine Heartseeker is fairly close to it. Hesitation to pull the trigger at this point can hurt only you.

I’ll see you guys on the other side of the transfer!



And for anyone saying the new servers are currently dead, Earthfury and Heartseeker have had over 3.5K players on at once several times which is larger than any vanilla server ever had.

I agree that a few thousand more as a cushion is ideal for long term health, but man, those mega servers are gonna be in for a shock once layering is off if they don’t all lose a few thousand players.

Just hope my faction balance stays the same


It is a nice place, AH isn’t terribly full of high end stuff. You don’t see that many higher level players (yet). No idea how it is on the alliance side right now, but their AH isn’t full of high end things. Nice part is you can quest and not run into areas where everything is dead or camped.

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So the nice, decently populated server i moved to (earthfury) is going to get flooded with exploiting toons piled with gold and undeserved items to ruin the AH again. Superb.

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Thank you! Moving today as soon as I can. Please ensure some form of notification is on the main logon screen though for people to be more aware.

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Saying it again…

Heartseeker is amazing, healthy population and balanced factions, active AH and general chat. We need more Horde players to transfer to HS to keep factions as balanced as possible as Alliance is currently slightly favored. Come join us! :slight_smile:

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PLEASE just properly announce when the transfers are about to be over so people won’t be caught off guard again

Is there any guilds Alliance side on heartseeker recruiting priests that want to heal. Cause there are non here and I’m ready to move. Currently LVL 60

I moved from Whitemane to Arcanite Reaper last week and can say it was a mistake. I would rather be sitting in the queue on Whitemane than playing on this dead AR server. Its tough to find a group or a mage for water. hard to find any group to be honest. Trade chat and the Auction House are dead. Org looks like a ghost town. It is depressing.

I would pay to move off of Arcanite Reaper. As someone said previously, I do not know why each server only has one option to transfer to. I have low hopes that AR population will grow to where it needs to be. I hope they let me move off of AR.

There are a lot of guilds recruiting. You can find some in our realm discord under “guild recruitment” channel. The link is in our realm forum.

Ghost town lol

Enjoy your queues and your 70% Horde realm!

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Anyone can tranfer no matter their faction. Heartseeker definitely needs more Horde though :wink: