Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

Well here we are on 4/1. Chaos Bolt has been officially been murdered by Blizzard. You can try and blame the population, but the people on the server know. That being said, if you want to listen to the community here is your final chance. A large group of us want a PVP server that isn’t CS megaserver. Please allow us to transfer to any server. I feel like its the only right thing you can do in this circumstance. In conclusion, PLEASE OPEN XFERS to ANY PVP SERVER OF OUR CHOICE!!!


It won’t happen. They unpinned the thread and will ignore the issue. Stop giving blizzard money. Go play on Ascension or turtle.

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Ah, blame the player. Of course.

If I was as incompetent as the SoD team, I’d be jobless.


Nah. You fail upwards at Blizzard.


Good point, you honestly can’t even make this stuff up

If they really wanted to incite a panic, they would say the transfers are available a limited time only LOL. Imagine missing the transfer window and having your hardworked characters stuck on a dead server.

The devs/maintainers don’t understand their clientele. They think “lots of people on megaservers, so they must be good!”


It’s not like they gave any indication that this was coming… They most likely will shut them off without any indication or lock Crusader Strike as it’s a High Pop.

I’m pretty sure we’re going to see queue times when P3 launches and most likely they’ll lock it again…

I feel the same way. I was looking forward to p3, but this just took all the wind out of my sails.


Hate to say it but I just disagree. Trying to get any activity started outside of Prime Time was a ghost town. If it didn’t happen now it’d happen next phase.


The problem isn’t that they opened transfers, is that they LOCKED the server. That got people to panic transfer. The entire thing was a disaster.

Chaos Bolt was fine until Blizzard needlessly created a mass panic.


Thanks for telling me my choice was wrong, I love it <3

Peoples’ perceptions have been so unbelievably warped by this megaserver culture. It’s sad.


actually he’s right that I expected to be merged there at some point, but I was expecting that point to be several patches after level 60, not at level 40.

let everyone create both alliance and horde chars on Crusader Strike please. It’s unfair Chaos Bolt players who xfer have this now. Thanks.

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That definitely could have been handled better and may be a teachable moment that they might want to leave comments about “official” topics off personal social media accounts. Blizzard has a marketing and/or communications department for a reason.

I get he was trying to offer perspective/make their internal process a bit more transparent but some thoughtfulness vs “rapid response” would have gone a long way.

I am no one as a recent resident of CB, Tom, but it still feels bad man.

Best of luck wherever life takes those of you leaving. Happy trails until we meet again.

Whats even more disappointing about this entire thing is that it happened so close before a new phase.

Phase 3 on CB would have been absolutely bumping as it was in P1 and P2. What a damn shame this was.

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why is Living Flame not open for xfers from CB horde???

I’m sure one day Blizzard will offer a comprehensive response to this.