Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

Yes - the lock only applies to new accounts creating characters on Chaos Bolt.

This post has been un-pinned. No conversations with a Blue happened here. Only one announcement, and one update due to their oversight.


Yes, the extremely logical “We don’t see a lot of people rolling new characters on Chaos Bolt, so we lock new character creation to make sure NO ONE can make new characters.”

Thus killing the server of any potential growth.

This is completely backwards from what they should have done. You have CS with 40k people, and you have CB with 5k server. What you do is you lock the insane 40k megaserver and allow free transfers to the smaller server. That’s how you even out the playerbase and get two healthy servers.

You don’t destroy one and send those players over to the already massively overcrowded one. But the classic team has this utter obsession with megaservers. Apparently they want 1 server of each type in each region. Layer it to the teeth. Absolutely no server community whatsoever. The only people you know or interact with is your guild and friends. Which is ironically kind of the way it is, but only because they keep forcing this megaserver crap. On servers with actual populations reminiscent of the original game, there is a server community. But those days are done.


Should have had free xfers from CS to CB. Paid xfers the opposite direction.


I would have been fine with opening it both ways. There’s some people on CB who obviously want a more full capacity server to participate in whereas I am sure there’s a lot of people on CS who are tired of the CS issues.

How a dev can hyperfocus on one set of concerns and not the other is clown level expectations from Blizzard.


unpinned it

l m a o

just give your money to ascension. they’re better at developing WoW than blizzard


unpinned :expressionless:
there is your answer, people
time to move on

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Yeah they created a mess they’re not going to be able to fix now. Now there’s one pvp server that will have a messed up rule set for the entirety of this season because of their screw up. Their only option is to just ignore it and hope it’ll go away.


conversions happen on twatter now


Instead of getting excited for phase3 I was grieving our killed server. I no longer have a desire to play SoD. Unless Lone Wolf becomes an option. It was fun while it lasted.


The second you chose chaos bolt you had to have known it was just an extension of CS and would 100% be merged there at some point.

The only reason it was created is because CS got way too huge. That obviously didnt last, so its time to fold it back in.

Thats on you tbh

So you’re saying they still didn’t address the streamers all jumping on Crusader Strike and ruining the RP aspect and bastardizing it into a mega PVP server in the first place…

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Yeah my Guild started on CB as soon as it opened and we knew this would be CBs fate. I was literally asking everyone in Raid 3 weeks ago “When do you guys think they’ll consider us small enough to merge us into CS?” It was only a matter of time.

I love Chaos Bolt, but it was clearly dying out. Getting groups together outside of prime time nearly impossible and just for it to be players that don’t know what they are doing.

I want to take the Guild to Lava Lash but it seems uncertain that the population has grown from the transfers. I want my Guildies to be able to pug on their Alts without struggling to get the now 20 required players…

Tough choices to be made for us. Rest in Peace Chaos Bolt, thanks for the memories!

We’re not all obsessed sweaty weirdos, some of us came home from work, fired up character creation and we’re told ALL PvP servers (RP or otherwise) are full so play on a PvE server or CB.

I would not have chosen CB if literally any other option existed (this is less than 4 hours after launch)
I didnt read up on all the server drama or reddit or forums, i booted up the game, and chose from the options the devs gave me, in game, with all the knowledge they saw fit to give me, a paying consumer.

Its the prinicple of it that enrages me and many others, Blizz made bad decisions and now they tell me I can play on a dead server OR lose my name and play on megaserver with Asmon fans…
They give me nothing but bad choice after bad choice in a lose-lose scenario one after the other.

Edit- At least open transfers both ways because there are unhappy people on CS looking for the community that CB has (had) to offer…


Chaos bolt was not dying out. Its population was fine. More than fine.

Lava Lash is even smaller and there’s tons of people. Constant raids. This is what a server population should be.


No it wasnt fine, especially horde side, very few groups not at absolute peak hours. Im glad they did this so that I can play my toons that I worked hard on since day 1.

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They wanted to kill the server - it didn’t really have anything to do with the metrics. Penance and Lava Lash would have been the first in line for execution if it did.



It had nothing to do with CB’s population at all, which by original Classic standards was quite healthy, and also very balanced as well.

It has everything to do with the fact that Blizzard was not comfortable for having a “redundant” RP-PvP server, and so they killed it off. Most of Tom’s arguments are nothing burgers.

“No new players were joining” Well yeah, generally speaking new players don’t join outside of season or expansion releases these days.

“Small servers stay small” sure and we like it like that. Doesn’t mean you have to destroy the server because it doesn’t fit your new megaserver philosophy.

“People were quitting en masse.” We don’t have any evidence to see the rate of which CB people were quitting, but we have Ironforge Pro, which suggests that the rate of people who stopped raiding on CB when Gnomer came out was about the same as CS. So that is probably a lie.

“Thousands of people took the transfer option immediately when we gave it.” Well no duh, you closed off the server to new players and incited a panic. OF COURSE people are going to leave.

This is all about Blizzard wanting to save money by forcing people into megaservers, don’t get fooled.


They have the evidence of all those things, just because you dont doesnt mean that it isnt there. They have the back end numbers.

I have played horde side since day 1 and it is extremely apparent that the server was losing players. Even by the only data the public has available shows that the server peaked mid part 1.

Indeed. Only a fool would believe otherwise.