Free Character Moves Close at 11:00 a.m. on Dec. 5

That wasn’t Blizzard’s fault.

Why do people always blame Blizzard for things the community does to itself?


I think Faction-limited paid transfers are coming

Delusional retail poster; why are you here? There were five NA PVP servers to choose from for name reservations (two west coast, three east coast). Do the math and stop licking boots.

Blizzard did this, not the community.


free character move will destroy the faction balance forever, every alliance will start to transfert to Heartseeker LOL

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Delusional Classic only poster who doesn’t realize some of us play both, why are you responding with nonsense?

Blizzard didn’t cause the problem. The community did when a bunch of people piled onto servers on one faction and then didn’t leave when they had the chance.

Name reservations had nothing to do with anything. Do the math and stop with your inane conspiracy theories.


Maybe, just maybe, they want the population on all realms to stabilize so they can properly set up balanced battlegroups.
The world pvp apocalypse won’t go away if horde rankers are forced to endure long BG queues.

If you are Faerlina Alliance, I recommend the jump to Earthfury, I can actually quest and level this guy again.


Horde. We need more of you to kill on Heartseeker.

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Paid character transfers, unless they are faction specific, wont do anything. It will only further imbalance the realms unless all Horde are forced to transfer to Heartseeker, for instance, which most people are not going to do. The only thing Blizzard can do at this point is literally force entire guilds to move and manually swap players around, although they would never do that.


That is a good way to punish procrastination

Please, no payed character moves!


They were in vanilla, no reason for them not to exist in classic too.

Faction balancing clearly isn’t a priority for blizzard but taking my $25 I’ll bet will be before long


Let us do paid transfers please. I’m willing to pay a lot more than $25 to get my characters off my unplayable realm.


hey can you send some alliance back to kirtonos please you let too many of them go

Yes, tell more alliance to come to further destroy the balance. Earthfury use to be great, transfers have ruined it this last few weeks.

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Just please do something about faction imbalance. The Horde and Alliance are playing completely different games on Stalagg

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What sucks is EF wasn’t even one of the possible destinations for my Horde toon to move too. (its on a second account btw)

Can someone please clarify what server one can transfer to? For some odd reason it isn’t in the OP.

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There’s a list in another mod post of all eligible transfers.

EDIT: Scratch that… seems to be missing. Let me see if I can find it.

EDIT 2: Ok, well you right, not sure what happened to it.

It’s time to implement faction queues bro bro
dont pretend you didnt see the forums