Free Character Moves Available for Select Realms

but! if the servers that you can transfer to become full transfers will be closed without notice. even if half your guild is still on incedius. that’s cool right?

Hi Kaivax, I posted a few posts back but wanted to know something very specific to all of this going on. I really appreciate you working in all of this and just wanted to thank you for your time.

Myself and a few of my other guildies just transfered OFF of Incendius TO Netherwind literally 5-6 days ago.

Considering this is the same functionality of your free transfers and the current economical situation occuring worldwide would you consider please assisting us? We literally have guys out of work that had to xfer because playing on Incendius meant you had to be online at 2PM Pacific (5PM EST) to start sitting in que. As of late the ques amounted to 4+ Hours which as you know obviously since you opened these transfers (Your company).

Would you please assist my guild mates and I Kaivax and Blizzard due to the fact that this was a costly move in order for us to do something during this tumultuous time as were all experiencing. Again, we are on the same server option that the company just chose to do.

Thank you,

Kiix, Kixxish, Kixx, Kixxadin, Kixel, Kiixx


Its definitely a good idea to let some people move to better server with less people, but what about something to kind of balance horde/alliance? Like horde cant move if its worse than 60/40 horde or something. That would keep the BGs straight, and PVP issues are a big problem for a lot of people

Give layers

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Baffling how they are treating us like complete morons. They caused this issue by opening transfers and are using this as a strategy to eventually get more transfer money when people regret their decision. Why has this company gone so anti-consumer???

Kiix, Kixxish, Kixx, Kixxadin, Kixel, Kiixx -

For what it’s worth I feel what you are asking is not unreasonable.
Hope you all are enjoying your stay on Netherwind and get a favorable response to your request.


its called ACTIVISION…literally when it changed from Vivendi blizzard to just activision blizzard. wayy back…then all these micro transactions came out and the shop and tokens and mounts etc etc…it all became about all the extra money they could make…why do you think they dont give you free time anymore for this? lol

Before you take free transfers please do you research and see how the majority of players regret it.

have any content / sources to share?

Some interesting stats I found:

Of the guilds that are logging on warcraftlogs, here are the numbers on each of those servers. This may give a hint of server population. This is Horde and Alliance for BWL:

Smolderweb: 45 (Alliance Guilds: 18)
Anathema: 26 (Alliance Guilds: 17)
Arcanite Reaper: 19 (Alliance Guilds: 14)

For comparison:

Bigglesworth: 86 (Alliance Guilds: 42)
Whitemane: 142 (Alliance Guilds: 68)
Faerlina: 92 (Alliance Guilds: 47)

Isn’t this a good thing, with Zul’Gurub opening soon? I’ve heard that the log on queues on Faerlina and similar servers are very long, and if players come back to the game for the new content, won’t that make it even worse?

If you have guilds on a busy server like that, surely with it being free, its not that big a deal to transfer to somewhere that has a better qualify of life playing experience?

Hi Kaivax,

What are you going to do with the other low population servers that aren’t on this list?

The one in particular that I have in mind is Deviate Delight.

It has less population than Netherwind, Windseeker, Smolderweb as an example.

There is a serious issue of these lower population servers needing some sort of new people / linked realms / merging.

Players - “Blizzard, gives us free transfers!”

Blizzard - “OK, Here you go”

Players -“Blizzard, What the heck you doing? You can’t be serious?!”

Blizzard (I hope) - “You know what, screw it. Let them suffer”


When are the retail realms going to be addressed?

-Signed someone from a dead realm

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That’s the thing no one wants to jump off the server some queue will remain.

Last line I would change to offering smiles with a hand on the button to stop the transfers once the target realms close on high pop.

But who am I kidding?
Free transfers are for the other guys - not meeee! [nonsense priority/entitled reason here]

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Well why would anyone knowingly jump off a good server for a dead one that’s crazy.

Then you are fine with your queue.

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You are clueless players are not going to jump off a healthy server to join a horrible one.

I play late nights so queues are not impacting me in the least. Personally love it here just getting sick of all the whining if you don’t like queues yes you should leave.