As part of a Classic Era PVP initiative, we have decided to host a 30-day game time giveaway. This giveaway is open to everyone, and for free - Yes! You heard that right! Classic Era just had our first Alterac Valley pop not too long ago, and to commemorate this, we are hosting a contest/giveaway to spread the joy.
How to win the contest/giveaway ?
The person with level 4 AND the most points earned by Monday, March 28, 2022 00:00 AM Eastern Standard Time will walk away with a free 30-days game time.
You get points by:
Inviting people to the Classic Era PVP Discord
Inviting new players to participate in Classic Era PVP battleground nights.
Classic Era BG Nights start from Friday (mainly) and Saturday nights 7PM EST
For more information visit:
If this is anything like the Sulfuras PvP discord was—I wouldn’t go anywhere near it. That discord was the most vile thing I have ever seen. 99% of it was sweaties trash talking each other and the other 1% was cope/seethe memes…100% sexually repressed rage.
Sulfuras discord? LMAO this is comedy. Your server was the safe haven for terrible pvpers. Multiboxers to boost brackets just so people could transfer 3 months later. LMAO!!!
Hello, level 11 troll alt. It is not considered advertisements if it is LFG/community related.
This message is also targeted at players who formerly played the real WoW Classic whom could have had an era clone, so I think I will remain here, thank you. You definitely can’t tell me what I can, or cannot do .
yea reality is trolling. nowadays all people dont agree with is trolling. you sound like a person no one should support. goodluck on your journey may you enter an AV before 2024 and live in your bubble little druid.