Free 2 play Twink Guild recruitment (Barth Horde) Lvl 20

Hey guys,

Twink Kingdom is a newly formed guild on Barthilas Horde looking to build a Twinking community / Guild based around Free 2 Play lvl 20 twinks as this bracket is the most popular currently in retail WoW and I personally think has a lot of potential for enjoyment as we wait for Shadowlands.

If you are interested in making a Twink or joining the guild to level / BG and participate in future guild events and more then feel free to reply here or add me on Bnet GudGo94#1680 and we can talk in more detail as to what the guild is about or how you go about lvl 20 F2P Twinks :slight_smile:



earn up to 10g!

Bump for more community choices you guys are killing me in the 20 bracket lol

What do you mean sorry mate?

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The twinks in the 20 bracket leveling an alt shammy getting blasted … lol all good though

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How much stronger are F2P twinks compared to an allied race that you toss enchanted gear on?

I know some people just reroll leveling ‘twinks’ over and over.

not close at all. too many restrictions for ftp. heres the pecking order for 20-29:
BoA reroll toon
vet 20
ftp 20
leveler with empty slots

Hmm. I don’t really see the point of F2P then. Besides the obvious $15. I don’t care about paying my measly subscription though.

is this guild still around?

first time i’ve ever seen a 3 year necro before


Dare you to google twink kingdom

I dont think thats gonna bring up anything wow related.

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ftp /veteran accounts are placed into xp off once they ding level 20. IF those bgs pop youll be facing geared 29’s.