<Freakin Unicorns> Zul'jin Recruiting for Mythic Liberation of Undermine

Umbricorns are best corns.

Unicorns and toebeans

toe beans! I love our druid gang <3

bumping because this is my favorite group of people to hang out on the internet with and we want more friends for CE funsies.

0.1% on Painsmith. Toes too big for our own good.

Join us!!!

Guardian down, come play with runes on Fatescribe!

9/10 and starting on Sylv

Have seen p2 and working on sylv

Need healers and dps

Healers and dps (mainly ranged)

Bump! in the need of a healer and a few dps!

Come kill Sylvanas with us!

Sent in an app to see if Iā€™m a good fit :droplet:

Come kill things with us!

Sylvanas is down and we are looking forward to another CE in Sepulcher of the First Ones! Still room on the roster for some more ranged dps and healers so if you are looking for a home for next tier submit an app!

Starting our recruiting for 9.2

9.2 is almost here

Looking for some dps!

Looking for some good players

Bumpy for the dumpy

Pantheon down, still need some more dps!