<Freakin Unicorns> Zul'jin Recruiting for Mythic Liberation of Undermine

SLG dead, Denny prog starts now. CE is within reach. Looking for competent players.

Denny prog currently rolling, come chill.

bump! come play video games with us!

hi. hello. bump!

good morning!

9.1 is coming up and we are always interested in skilled players

Bumping, come join us for 9.1!

New raid on Tuesday, come get ready for mythic.

New Raid, Who Dis?

Banger Ranged DPS and Healers with DPS Skills come apply!

Disc Priests, Disc Priests, Disc Priests!!!

Also Boomkins, BoomBoomBirds, LazerAviaryAttackers!

Looking for healers and ranged dps!

Always on the look out for skilled players, particularly healers and some ranged dps

there was a word. i forget it but it dealt with retarded hunters. was it Retunters. That doesnt sound right. oh yeah it was Hunta#$%ds <3 Moony

There are things that go “bump” in the night?

2 prog bosses down in a night! Still looking for ranged dps and healers to join us!

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Looking to be 4 or 5 in mythic this week

Still looking for some heals and ranged dps!

Hey, this seems nifty.

hi. im bumping this post!

Unicorns are best