Framesort Frame Macro Problem

I wanted to change the modifier for this macro from ctrl to alt…but after I did, it stopped working.

#FrameSort Frame1, Frame2
/cast [mod:shift, @none][mod:alt,@none][nomod, @mouseover, exists][]Blessing of Freedom

I double checked to make sure I didn’t have any keybinds for those alt keys, then realized it must be something to do with Framesort itself. The macro works perfectly when using ctrl, but stops working when it’s alt. Is there a way to fix this in the Framesort settings? Or am I stuck using the less comfortable ctrl?

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There is a Blizzard setting that conflicts with macro modifier keys:

Escape → Options → Combat:

  • Change Focus Cast Key to None
  • Change Self Cast Key to Auto or None

Should fix it :slight_smile:

I had checked that. Mine was already set to auto. I use alt as a modifier in other macros that don’t use framesort that don’t have this problem. I think it’s a setting with that addons specifically

Can someone tell me what the purpose of @none is

Framesort has dynamic macros. When you write #Framesort Frame 1, Frame 2 it automatically inserts frame1 and frame2 into the macro if they exist. If you’re not in a party or raid, the frames don’t exist - so it uses none as a placeholder

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Looking at the examples on the addon’s page it should be the following:

#FrameSort Frame1, Frame2, Mouseover
/cast [mod:shift,@frame1,help] [mod:alt,@frame2,help] [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Blessing of Freedom

I tried this (copy and pasted) and unfortunately it still didn’t work…it’s something native to the addons, I think, where it only uses alt in the third frame.

FrameSort doesn’t have any limitations or special settings for modifier keys, that’s all handled natively by Blizzard.

I copy and pasted your macro exactly as is without any changes and it’s working perfectly fine for me.

I was able to reproduce the issue when the Focus Cast Key and Self Cast Key were set to a modifier key. I could also reproduce it with just a standard Blizzard macro without FrameSort. Are you sure you have those options set to Auto/None?

That was one of the things I had already checked. Went back just to make sure and I have it (as I’ve had forever) to Auto and None. I don’t know why alt isn’t working for me :frowning:

Weird, I’m not sure then :frowning:

What’s the actual key you’re using, like F, R, G, etc? I’ll try the same key on my PC.

Have you tried changing them to something else and changing them back?

Could also try deleting the macro and remaking it, rare bug but sometimes it fixes them.

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