Framesort addon help

I have never been able to get framesort to work correctly and it’s driving me bonkers. It is very inconsistent. I have the framesort ordered by role, which it doesn’t sort by role. Sometimes enemy healer will be arena 3, sometimes it’s arena1. In picture 1, the dps rogue is sorted in the middle of the unit frames and it is arena1, warrior is arena 2 at the bottom and healer arena 3 on top.

Unit ids (party123, arena123, etc.) are controlled by Blizzard and AFAIK addons aren’t able to change this. This is why FrameSort has it’s own macro and targeting system to replace party123/arena123 with frame123/enemyframe123.

If you sort by group, then arena123 and enemyframe123 will be the same, but when sorting by role they won’t line up.

To resolve this, wherever you have a macro or target keybind that uses arena123, replace it with a FrameSort macro.


instead of:

#showtooltip Wind Shear
/cast [@arena1] Wind Shear

do this:

#FrameSort EnemyFrame1
#showtooltip Wind Shear
/cast [@placeholder] Wind Shear

Same thing if you have an arena 123 hotkey, then replace it with the FrameSort equivalent (Escape → Options → Keybindings → FrameSort).

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This is very helpful and since I’m new to framesort I quite didn’t understand those functions. I’ll be checking them out.
How would a macro like this work?
how would a macro like this work?

#showtooltip Counter Shot
/cast [nomod, @arena1] Counter Shot
/cast [mod:shift, @arena1] Chimaeral Sting
/cast [mod:ctrl, @arena1]

Like this:

#FrameSort EnemyFrame1, EnemyFrame1, EnemyFrame1
#showtooltip Counter Shot
/cast [nomod, @arena1] Counter Shot
/cast [mod:shift, @arena1] Chimaeral Sting
/cast [mod:ctrl, @arena1] MissingSpellHere

Basically just repeat the FrameSort header for each @arena1 you have.

Can also use a shortened version:

#FS EF1, EF1, EF1
#showtooltip Counter Shot
/cast [nomod, @arena1] Counter Shot; [mod:shift, @arena1] Chimaeral Sting; [mod:ctrl, @arena1] SomeOtherSpell

Another example for a kick 123 macro:

#FS EF1, EF2, EF3
#showtooltip Counter Shot
/cast [nomod,@enemyframe1][mod:shift,@enemyframe2][mod:ctrl,@enemyframe3] Counter Shot; 

is this macro correct?
#FrameSort EnemyFrame1, EnemyFrame1, EnemyFrame1
#showtooltip Hex
/cast [nomod, @enemyframe1] Hex
/cast [mod:shift, @enemyframe1] Greater Purge
/cast [mod:ctrl, @enemyframe1]

When I press the button it changes the @enemyframe1 to @none

Yep looks good, except just missing a spell name on the last line.

It’ll change to @none when outside of arena, and automatically update as you enter arena.

I really don’t understand what the difference is between all the macros. I’ve played 4-5 skirmishes and the unit frames are all over the place again. First game healer was on the top frame, second game on the bottom frame, and third game on the middle frame.

Is this while sorting by “Role” for Enemy Arena? Do you have the latest version 6.6.0?