Foxes/clutch sister/bone serpent combo needs to be nerfed now

the title says it all. this combo is pure troll. please blizzard. do something about this, it’s really crap.

I never seen that combo before, how does it work?

Open with fox 325, dazzling dance, flurry is now going an extra hit every time and blows up undeads. Bone serpent and clutch now outspeed most pets which is insane because not only do they have hard hitting moves, they both have ways to dodge damage. Bone serpent has fly and more importantly clutch sister has dodge which mean dodging two turns if it goes first. Swap to clutch sister and burn through pets.

It’s not the best team out there, but formidable in it’s own right.

never seen it? it’s literally the only team the trolls use in my battlegroup. that and 3 x clutch sister. that ones just like… cmon bro… wtf is wrong with you…

my main team is anubisath idol, spectral raven and the purple puffer. they’re usually a pretty great team… vs this they just cant keep up… which is really no fun. i’ve attempted to find a counter to this team and i really can’t come up with something suitable that isn’t just a 1 shot… only works vs them. because I don’t enjoy using those kind of teams… I like to try to build teams I can use vs every situation…

try dibbler, maybe ss dust bunny something like that
both great pets

clamp the fox
dust bunny for the TCS

it doesnt work he switches before i clamp and then i end up clamping the clutch sister and it just dodges out of it. it’s a really op team blizzard didn’t really think before they considered how some of these skills combined would work. giving that bone serpent which as an undead has skills that make it weak to aquatic a strong to aquatic skill is really stupid. it needs to be taken away. it’s really overpowered.

if he switches to TCS, he’s just taken 400 damage and can’t swap for 3 rounds

switch to a critter that will take low damage from twilight fire and punish him

pet battles are paper scissors rock, there’s always a counter
just make sure you’re taking weak damage whenever possible, and doing strong damage whenever possible

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