Four Hour Q is a bit much

why in the world these nubs roll on faerlina knowing it will be full of streamer’s fanboy cultists ?

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Hoagie, you know about chrome remote desktop. I know you know.

Stop whining.

You’re not going to get much sympathy. Blizzard hasn’t been offering free transfers from high pop realms for no reason, nor have they hid their desire to remove layering as soon as possible.

You ignored the warnings and wanted to keep all the benefits of an ultra high pop server without the downside of long queues. Unfortunately, you can’t have both. Now your choices are to either transfer or wait it out.

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don’t you guys have girlfriends

I just logged into my 56 mage on myzrael, couldn’t even find a group to run a dungeon xD. Could on that server lmfao.

Lol nerd looks like ur only option now is to unsub!

So you’re saying i cant play with who i want whenever i want?

Its 2019, server space should not be an issue, especially for a million dollar company running a 15 year old game.

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Nobody is whining dude, expressing frustration is nowhere near that. If you read anything in this post you would see me mention the Remote Desktop. POINT being is having to worry about stuff like that to just log in.

Were you not warned about the queue times for your server when you made your toon?

Reroll on Heartseeker. As Horde please we have enough ally

Committing to a guild, committing to a raid group, building new friendships, and your response is for me to bail.

lol what??

EVERYONE KNEW this was going to happen…

correction… anyone with a brain knew this was going to happen.

Guild commitment was two months prior to even choosing a server.