We’re a group of friends looking for an active guild that can take all of us in. Our current guild is dying and we’re looking to push in mythic as far as we can but nothing too serious.
Our previous mythic experience was 10/12M in Nyalotha, 5/10M CN and currently 9/10H 1/10M SoD. We’re all 240+ ilvl and 2.1k+ IO.
Classes we play: Hunter, Rogue, DK, Elemental Shaman.
We prefer raid times of 7:30pm PST(6:30 the earliest any day) as we all have normal day jobs and one guy being in the military. We can server transfer but prefer to stay Horde.
Hey there! I think we might be a decent fit. We’re currently 3/10M and looking to add some people to the group. We raid from 6:30-9:30 PST Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday.
If you want to talk more, you can add me on discord: kurushix#8316
Hey Jackymoon - we are Alliance but everything else in your post fits us quite well. Think it over and give me a shout in Discord anytime! Shadow.
Nox Oriens (9/10H 1/10M SOD) is looking to add 3-4 DPS, main spec healer that can dps and a main tank or dps/tank for our Mythic roster. We also run a Casual Raid Team that is recruiting for all positions and is currently pushing through Heroics.
Raid times are Tuesday, Thursday, Monday from 9pm to midnight server (central) for both teams.
Nox Oriens is an Alliance guild based on the Sargeras server and we are a progressive, friendly raid guild. We have been raiding as a guild since 2007 and we are currently running two raid groups:
Tempest (Mythic Roster)
Ascendance (Casual Progression)
We maintain a friendly raid and guild atmosphere with ages in-guild ranging from 18 to grandparents and many of our raiders are parents. We have a liberal alt and friend invite policy for our raiders as well. We do some PVP and run M+ often.
We are always looking for great raiders but more importantly we are looking for excellent guild mates. If you believe you may be a fit for our culture and one of our raid teams, please contact:
BNET: Shadowjj#1695
Hey there, would love to chat with you, Ancestral Ties(H)-Wyrmrest Accord Server is looking for DPS. We are currently 9/10H with a 1% wipe on Sylvanas, SO we should have her soon. Looking to build into mythic. We currently raid Sun/Tue/Thur 7PM-10PM PST. Server is west coast. Hit me up when you have the chance.
I sent a reply to your other friend’s recruitment post as well.
Hey, you guys sound like exactly what we need. Been looking for a few more players to let us get going in Mythic raid. We’re currently 1/10M 9/10H. We raid 8:30pm-11pm PST Tuesday/Wednesday/Sunday.
Please add me on Discord if you wanna chat: lonesoldier09#0009
we’d be on the early end for u, but 630pm PST is our start 3 days a week. Feel free to add me if we sound like a good fit!
About Us:
< TILTED > is a returning guild of mythic players with various Cutting Edges throughout their experience. We are currently seeking a few more players to round out a mythic roster for the rest of the tier and moving forward! Our goal is to accomplish CE every tier within a timely manner, but we are not willing to sacrifice our raid environment in order to accomplish these goals. Targeted harassment will never be tolerated!
Any exceptional healers (looking for 1 of any class).
We are always open to any and all strong candidates so please don’t shy away from applying if you feel we would be a good fit.
Every raider is expected to carry themselves positively. This means don’t attack your fellow raider
Come prepared: While the guild will provide various consumables, you should still show up ready with what you need.
Know the fight: take advantage of external sources such as YouTube videos/guides for each fight before we pull. We will also keep our Discord up to date with the latest guides/information.
Know your class: just like above, take advantage of external sources to know how to play your class to its maximum potential.
Hey Jackymoon <Blood Haze-Zul’jin> We raid 8-11pm PST Tues/Weds. We would love to have you and your friends we are 10/10H 3/10M currently in SoD and would love to see how you all can fit into our roster for mythic progression any interest or questions feel free to reach out, Discord Westalan#0452, Shirts#3521, PinguFrosty#8617 or message us directly through Bnet. Godofthunder#1986, JuicyXLB#1323, PinguFrosty#3787
Hello! I’m Dava, the raid leader of < Part Time Pro > on Tichondrius. We are a Tuesday + Thursday raid group that runs 6:30 to 930 PST and are currently 9/10 H 2/10M (8/10M CN) with sub 20% pulls on The Nine.
We run a 23/24 man Mythic roster so that if life comes up during raid, whatever that may be, the show can go on! We currently have active spots for dps players and I would love to chat more if you are interested! I can be reached as Kerel#1171 in game or Dava#4105 on Discord.
Either way, good luck on your search and progression!