Found your Wife/Husband in WoW


I guess I break the norms as a woman IRL then lol until BfA I only had female human, night elf, and draenei toons. After I unlocked KT I rolled a male, and on a whim also rolled a male panda and worgen :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing wrong with that.

Thank you, I found it!

D-do you want mine, Rev? :eyes::sweat_drops:

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Of course!

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I think my friendship with one of my closest friends is probably the best I’ve ever had. I met them around level 40ish~ in Vanilla WoW by doing a dungeon, if I remember correctly Uldaman. We’ve been friends ever since and still regularly talk EVERYDAY!

We have been friends for literally half of our lifetime, isn’t that crazy? We’ve never met in person but we live in the same country just on the opposite ends of it :grin:

One day we’ll get together laugh a lot and have a good time I’m sure of it.

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I think this is it, I don’t mind who adds. xD
ALSO THE name is bc I played overwatch and did comp so I’m like “Wow so many babies in voice” and yeah lol.

Met my wife when I used to suck at the game, she played the same class as me and taught me how to play my main and things kinda kicked off from there. :no_mouth:

It is definitely a dream to meet someone who enjoys gaming as much as I do, so I can get to that point of marriage.

Every woman I’ve met is either taken, prefer their own gender for a partner, have some kind of guard up due to a previously bad relationship, or simply just not interested/only here for the game.

Met my husband the begining of WoD. and i couldn’t stand him. he was just ‘another hunter’ in the raid group at the time and he annoyed me to no end.

then my grammy passed and a few other things happened that left me kind of at a loss, and i had to move found out he lived just 2 hours from me and he offered to help me move into a smaller place, and it just kind of went from there. neither of us intended to get into a relationship i wasn’t interested in one, and he wasn’t overly interested either.

6 months later we ended up deciding to ‘take things slow’ three years later he put a ring on it. we’ve been married 2 years in Feb and together for 5.

he doesn’t play anymore but has no issue that I do. he still annoys me too but he’s not dead yet so I guess we’re doing okay! :slight_smile:

he was the light in prolly one of the darkest points in my life. showed up just when i needed him. i love that ‘hunter’ heck, I don’t even know when i stopped disliking him so much lol but he kinda grew on me.


Met my husband outside of the BMAH in Pandaria. I told him his trasmog was oh so cute and he was smitten. We bonded doing Challenge modes.

Together forever.

We have 3 very young kids now. Life is pure MaDNEss. :space_invader:


Ill be 56 in February if that helps. Its not just you.

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We both play, but I quest and they RP (mostly Alliance) so we seldom play together. :confused:

I nearly missed the outing that would lead to me meeting my wife because of wow. Glad that I chose the outing over the raiding that day

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Other than that my guild has 2 pairs of husband and wife who played together. It has been a decade now

I met my husband on MSN before WoW even began lol. Meeting on WoW I think is cool af.

Can i be my own lover? Or it have to be someone else to count?

We met at the crossroads. He, a dashing paladin, and me, a trickster rogue. This was back in 2007. We moved in together, and got married in 2012 in Gatlinburg, TN where he also proposed. We just bought our first house back in January, just in time for Covid! He just ran me through Seige so I could finish the Kul Tiran grind.


I haven’t been so fortunate, but I’m more a gay asexual type so dudes aren’t usually into that :joy:

I have a lot of jokes about this but I’ll refrain :joy: