<Found guild, disregard>

Looking for a guild to pursue AOTC in each raid in SL, Will be playing tank or melee with a tank offspec, DK or monk. My priorities :
Adult only (30+)
Self sufficient raids (no puggers)
Raid times - around 5-9PM west, 8-12 east, days are flexible, prefer 2 nights/week

Contact me at
Discord Muhr#3143

H - Blind Ambition - US, Zul’jin - 12/12 M Ny’alotha experienced raiders LF DK (dps), lock, mage for Shadowlands prog roster. Raids T/Wed 8-11pm EST. We’re laid back, social and like to progress. Non-raiders welcome for M+ and general content.

We ask that you come ready to play at your best skill level, raiding only 2 days and at 6 hours per week.

B: Aerbax#11297
D: Aerbax#2889

Tried your discord tag - didn’t work.

Hello Muhr,

My name is Tega and I am the GM for the Order of Lost Saints, an Alliance PvE Guild. Most of us are in our 30s and 40s. We would be more than happy to talk to you to see if our Guild may be right for you.

Our goal is to field an intimate but effective Heroic Raid Team for Shadowlands. Raid size will be in the 10-15 person range in order to foster a atmosphere where our members don’t feel like they are simply cogs in a machine. You would be a crucial element of the team not just another number on Alternate Raid Team C. We believe this approach also makes it easier to forge lasting friendships and a sense of camaraderie. Currently we plan on Raiding twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00pm to 10:30pm EST. We are very patient and expect mistakes to happen, we do expect people to strive to learn their class and the mechanics. We don’t mind wiping often and will never yell at or call out people, as long as we are learning from our mistakes. We don’t have intentions of raiding on mythic difficulty. We are a PvE based Guild so in addition to raiding we will be running quite a few dungeons, etc. on off nights.

Currently, we are not raiding in BfA, we are running dungeons and preparing for Shadowlands. But it is an ideal time to join us and get to know us before the expansion launches. Our raid roster right now has nine confirmed players, so we still need people to get to the minimum of 10, though we are reticent to go past 15, we feel 12-14 would be ideal. Mainly in need of DPS at the moment, though hybrids are welcome. We are located on the Nazgrel/Nesingwary/Vek’nilash server group. If you are interested please either respond to this post or contact me at Tega#1389.


Hey Muhr!

Crimson Brotherhood is looking for a consistent tank. We are working to AOTC and plan to keep it that way every tier. Check us out. We’re also very active in mythic+.
