Found guild, delete this?

We just moved back to Area 52 after a couple years away. Hordeside. Xieran is a 353 Havoc Demon Hunter and I am a 366 Holy paladin. We are working diligently on getting our gear scores up and just getting back into the swing of things in general. Xieran will be going to basic for the Air Force in February and will be gone for a few months, but will want a guild home to come back to. And I would like a guild to keep me busy while he is gone.

The primary things we are looking for is an active player base of adults, the ability to swear if it happens without hours of lectures about it, and a lot of m+ runs. Additional things that would be great are Heroic or Mythic raiding. We both have raided the majority of our time on WoW over the last 14 years. So it would be a pretty large bonus to eventually be able to raid. Also, I have interest in PVP related things like learning how to not suck at Arena and BGs and maybe even some open world stuff if there are people interested in that on the side as well. Plus, there’s a pet I need to get that requires a lot of it. Xieran isn’t particularly interested in that though.

Feel free to contact us

Adding you on Bnet

Backlash - Area-52 Horde - We are a new guild that downed 2/8M first week and plan to push into mythic our next raid night, and we are recruiting players who have played at a top tier level to push content. We are a group of proven players who want to push mythic raiding on a 3 day schedule.

About Us: We will begin raiding in 8.1 together as a guild on a 3 night schedule. Tues/Wed/Sunday from 10pm-1am EST . We expect our raiders to have experience and know what it takes to be a progression group.

What We Are Looking for: We are currently recruiting ALL ROLES

Disc Priest
H. Pally
R. Shaman

Aff/Destro Lock
Frost/Fire Mage
BM Hunter
Fury/Arms Warrior

These are just preferences, and we strongly encourage ALL exceptional players regardless of class to reach out to us!

If this sounds like the guild for you, please add one of us to real-id so we can get the ball rolling.

Doob (Co-GM) - Roman#12204
Celexe (Co-GM) - hecktic119#1454
Lazyplague (Main Tank) - lazytitan#1824

Guild: Simple Mechanics
Faction: Horde
Raid Times/Days: Tue/Thurs. 9-1130
Cleared: 2/8M 8/8H
Recruitment Contacts: Discord:@Manz#6517 or @Bhangis#9923 Btag: Manz#11742 or Jhengiskhan#1633
Needs: ALL Dps 1core healer
We consider all exceptional players for our push into mythic content.
We run M+, RBG’s, and Arena’s all the time.
Hope to hear from you!

Hi Xadrixna & Mr. X!

I’ll keep this short and simple. We may be the perfect place for you!

Come check us out! Our discord is open to the public so you can see what’s it’s really like before contacting us.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Thank you all, We have found a new home <3 I wish I could delete the thread, lol.