Hi! Our names are Lucy and Praill. We’re a pair of long-time IRL friends who have played WoW together on and off since TBC. We both have a mixed raiding history which includes a lot of AOTC progression and some Mythic progression. Both of us are very competitive players and always looking to perform at the highest level possible. So far in Shadowlands we’ve been part of an AOTC-focused guild and cleared 10/10H 6/10M, but we’re looking to push further into Mythic for the rest of the expansion and beyond. We’re also competitive Mythic+ players - Lucy having Keystone Master and Praill needing one more +15 for his.
Our preferred raid times are Tuesday-Thursday and Sunday and ideally 7-10pm or 8-11pm EST. We’re both open to 3 nights of raiding per week.
Bnet: Lucenia#11666
Discord: Lucenia#2788
I mained Unholy DK for most of Shadowlands so far but also geared/re-rolled to a Resto/Ele Shaman to heal for our guild. I have a long history of playing DPS and healing competitively so I’m happy to fill either role. I’ve been raid leading for our guild this tier so I have a lot of knowledge of raid mechanics, cooldown usage, and callouts. I also spend a lot of time outside of raid analyzing logs and reading guides to try to play at the highest level possible.
Lucerra (Unholy DK) [218 ilvl] h ttps://warcraftlogs.com/character/us/stormrage/lucerra
Lucellis (Resto/Ele Sham) [214/212 ilvl] h ttps://warcraftlogs.com/character/us/stormrage/lucellis
Bnet: Praill#1294
Discord: Praill#9250
I main fire mage, but also have ww monk and havoc dh alts which I enjoy playing. I’m willing to flex into roles as necessary, but really just try to perform to the highest level I can - looking at logs, guides, and class discords to improve. I constantly watch for new strategies to offer to Lucy, and kind of serve as a behind the scenes person to discuss things/look for improvement opportunities.
Wongus (Fire Mage) [218 ilvl] h ttps://warcraftlogs.com/character/us/stormrage/wongus
Chingus (WW Monk) [208 ilvl] h ttps://warcraftlogs.com/character/us/stormrage/chingus
Wingles (Havoc DH) [200 ilvl] h ttps://warcraftlogs.com/character/us/stormrage/wingles
(Not allowed to post links, sorry!)
My guild Currently 10 out of 10 Heroic, We are definitely seeking some awesome dps players for our future Mythic Progression. We definitely like to meme a fair bit and like to keep a chill atmosphere but still want to progress. We seek to expand our numbers to hopefully start Mythic progression very soon. We are extremely active in mythic+. On top of that we have a very active discord community that memes all the time. Raid times are Tues and Thurs 7-10pm EST.
BNET: FourTony#1849
I added you in game Lucerra. We’re currently 3/10M and looking to kill Sunking soon. Let’s connect online regarding recruitment.
Hello Lucerra,
Our guild Uranium is trying expand our mythic raiding roster. We are 10/10H, 1/10M CN currently. We are currently looking for Ranged DPS (Fire Mage, Boomkin, Affliction Lock) and Healers (Holy Paladin, Disc Priest, Resto Shammy). Our raid days are Tuesday and Thursday from 8pm to 11pm EST.
We are also accepting all types of players if raiding isnt a priority.
Aside from raiding, we also like to do M+ along with other activities within WoW. Outside of the game, many members play other games together such as League of Legends, Path of Exile, Overwatch, Valorant, ETC. Throughout the week, we do various events such as game nights or viewing parties to really engage everyone and have a great time.
Below you will find useful information on the guild as well as a link to our discord.
Raider.io Page: https://raider.io/guilds/us/stormrage/Uranium
WoWProgress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/stormrage/uranium
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/CtxDuFZ
Recruiter: MoistKumquat#6157 (Ben)
Guild Master: Fearboner#9605 (Will)
Would love to hear from you and hope you can join us soon! Take care and reach out if you are interested.
Very Respectfully,
Hi Lucy & Praill,
I received the bnet from Lucy and would love to chat more when you have a chance. We are the guild you reached out to, No Pressure, on Stormrage.
Liarparadox or myself, Kassle, look forward to chatting soon!
KassiG#1130 - bnet
Sent you both friend requests on discord and would love to speak to you guys more! Uranium on Stormrage
Hey guys! Sending discord friend requests now, would love to chat!
Hi Lucy & Priall!
I see you have a lot of responses already, but you seem like the kind of thoughtful and dedicated raiders that we would be looking for in Stardust!
Unfortunately we are slightly behind your current progression (9/10H with lots of pulls on Denathrius), but our intention is to finish heroic and build up our roster a bit more to push into Mythic. We aren’t a “CE” guild, but our intention is to finish Heroic and steadily progress through Mythic each tier. Our guild has been around since 2011 and progressed through Mythic on many tiers, including CE on a few tiers.
Also, our raid days/times (Wed & Sun 8:30 - 11pm EST) match up well with what you are looking for, and we have an immediate need/opening for the exact primary classes you are playing (DK & Mage).
If this sounds good to you, please add me on battlenet or discord and we can talk further!
BattleTag: Shadizar#1464
Discord: Shadizar#4380
Hi Lucy and Prial,
(5/10M) is recruiting for our mythic raid and you two seem like you could be an awesome addition to the team. We are currently looking for a R Sham and 1 ranged DPS so it could work perfectly!
We are a social group, many of whom have been together for the history of the game, and we are always excited to add friendly, skilled individuals to our ranks. We raid Wed 8:00-11:00 PM EST and Fri 8:00-Midnight with an optional night for RBGs on Monday. While we only do progression 2 nights a week, we aim to get Cutting Edge for each tier.
To maximize our relatively short raid window, we expect our raiders to research, come prepared, and log in on time for raids. To maintain a spot on our core team you must be able to consistently attend our raid times, but we do understand that some isolated absences are unavoidable. Like you, outside of scheduled raiding we frequently run mythic+ dungeons (many keystone masters and +14s every day) and play other games as a group.
If you’re interested please add TheLaw#12747 on B-Net. We look forward to hopefully hearing from you!
Hey, I’m skeptical of a package deal but not completely opposed to it. Our raiding times match what you’re looking for. We very much want ranged dps and could take a great melee dps as well.
You don’t have many mythic kills, so we’d want to spend time looking at the details of your logs if you folks are interested in us. If you are, please fill out our brief form to demonstrate that interest, and we would reach out to chat soon after if we wanted to move forward with an interview.
<It’s Mine I Licked It> is 6/10M, on a 2 night, 6 hour a week schedule. Come progress on Blood Council with us!
Our raid schedule is TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 8 PM EST – 11 PM EST. We will only be raiding 6 hours a week, so we will be pulling at 8. In other words, the ability to be on by 7:45 or so is important/necessary.
If you are interested in raiding with us, please fill out the following form:
If you have any questions, please feel free to add Raph on Battle.net (Raphael#1142).
More info ([A][Its Mine I Licked It]8-11 EST T/Th, Vet. Raiders LF DH/DK/RDPS/Heals for SoD CE (4/10M 10/10 H)):
It’s Mine I Licked It (US-Stormrage - Alliance) is recruiting for 2-day-a-week raiding in Shadowlands!
Its Mine I Licked It was founded prior to the launch of Shadowlands by a group of friends with significant hardcore raiding experience. All of the founding members played WoW since The Burning Crusade or earlier, and have raided since Wrath of the Lich King or before. More to the point, each of the founding members have at minimum US Top 50 experience, and all held leadership positions in competitive raiding guilds.
However, life goes on and people get older, and we all stopped raiding or even playing the game all together in either Legion or Battle for Azeroth for individual reasons. However, we also love this game and have come back over the last few months (or for some of us, never left at all). For all of us, raiding is an integral part of this game, and that’s what we plan to do. Still, we don’t want to break our backs pushing the true bleeding edge of end game content like we all did for so many years.
In Shadowlands, we will clear all Mythic Raid content as well as provide an environment conducive for Mythic + dungeon runs. However, we are all at the point in our lives where pushing late hours or extra nights to clear a Mythic Raid is not what we are looking for. Instead, we want to focus on a less grindy experience while still pushing ourselves and playing efficiently.
We are looking for dps players for GSG on proudmoore. We are 3/10m and raid wed/sun 6-930 pst. If that sounds like it may work for you please add me on disc RaijinEnd#6451
We are Paradigm Shift an Alliance guild on Stormrage that is currently 1/10M with AotC.
- We raid Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30pm-11:59pm EST. If that is not too late, then keep reading on to the ad blerb below.
Why should you join us?
- Paradigm Shift has been a raiding guild for 10 years (since Ulduar). We have proven our longevity expansion after expansion.
- We raid two nights a week, allowing for a social life outside of WoW. Come experience end game content on a relaxed raiding schedule.
- At our peak we were a top 100 US raid guild (old days of Cata). That same leadership team is with us today.
- We enjoy pushing 15+ keys
Who are we looking for?
If the above list looks appealing to you, then you are probably appealing to us. But more specifically we really would like…
- Warlock
- Holy Paladin
- Resto Shaman
How do you apply?
- Any applications are done as trials in current raid tier. If you’re off server, we’ll bring you in for a heroic run trial.
- Contact myself, Skitzat#1525, or our guild leader, Buschleague#1928, in Battle.net about joining us for a raid trial.
- Or contact me on discord Skitzat#9862
<Pláceholder> AOTC 2/10M looking for more for mythic roster
Raid Times: 9pm-12am Tues/Thur
If interested
Recruitment Officer:
Bnet: Opticlone#1344
Looking for DPS, DK and Mage would be awesome. Sending friend request however my raid times are 9-Midnight EST during the week.
Greetings Lucerra,
< Dreamscape > is currently looking for core raid raiders to fill its roster for 9.1 and beyond. We are looking for dedicated raiders & people that like to be social. If you enjoy hanging out in discord & making friendships then we would love to talk to you!
Feel free to hit us up in the game:
Neoramuh#1528 (Neo)
Addictive#1191 (Addy/Raine)
Unbroken Alliance Established in 2010 is still looking for heroic raiders and heals currently on sire on heroic raid times are tue/wed 745pm to ten pm est. we are a no drama laid back progression grp who just want to have fun and down bosses. the thurs frid grp needs tanks, heals dps…they downed sire on normal looking to start fresh heroic progression. raid times are 745pm to ten pm est. also we do lots of mythic plus keys to help gear up the raiders. If we sound like a fit for you pst padock , Padock#11463 Or urekka , Ureka#1269. and we are looking forward to seeing u here in unbroken alliance.!!! 
Hey there, if you’re still looking for a guild we have spots for both of you! Im with guild Ardent in Stormrage. We are a semi-casual guild looking to finish our Mythic team and start progression (guild is 10/10H with many 2/10M experienced players). I added both of you on bnet if you want to chat, thanks!