Hi all,
My current guild had to many rogues didnt want to continue my trial cause they were friends of the officers. My experience is below.
Mythic WOD - HFC
Mythic Legion - EN, TOV, NH and TOS
1/9 Mythic - with experience with Mythic Opulance to 50%
8/9 Heroic - with experience of getting Heroic Jaina to 10%
Looking for 2 or 3 night guild - 8pm-11pm or 9pm-12am ST, is ideal
Ill look at transfering/ faction changing aswell for the right guild.
Contact me on bnet dendielion#1498
Hey there Crzynooga!
Improvise [A] Greymane - 6/8M Uldir and 2/8M Dazar is currently recruiting dps (preferred) for our progression with hopes of getting CE for this tier, we raid two nights a week - Mondays and Thursdays 8pm est - 11pm_ est_ and Wednesdays as the heroic optional so that we can start into mythic asap on Thursday. We have multiple top rated officers at hand to help give information as necessary as well as work with to improve performance. Discord is a must and through it we utilize its voice option as well as multiple tabs for specifics on boss fights and the like.
If any of this information peaks your interest, or if you have any questions as there’s much more info that can be discussed, please don’t hesitate to give myself or one of the other officers a message on Discord or Bnet.
Raid Leader - Xast#2811 Haze#1634
Healing Leader - Shaded#2226 Sharpfangz#1461
Melee Leader - Amereth#2107
Ranged Leaders - Chodeflees#9691 - Rip/Relai#5251
Hey bud!
I run a guild called Centrelink [A] Frostmourne, 9/9H 3/9M working towards cutting edge this tier. We are a 2 night raiding guild
Monday & Friday 9pm svt start, then an optional alt run Wednesday 9pm Svt. We are currently looking for rogues to trial if your interested come have a chat with me.
Discord Sxcwog#0537
Bnet Sxcwof#1505
Hey Mate 
<Wipe It Up>
Is an Alliance guild on Saurfang, currently 1/9 Mythic and pushing progression!
We currently have two active raid teams -
“Murloc Team” Which is mythic progression, running Wed/Thur 8pm-11pm ST (AEDST) who are recruiting willing and active DPS (ranged or melee) and healers.
“Kobold Team” Which is pushing heroic progression, running Wed/Thurs 11pm-1am ST (AEDST) who are recruiting DPS.
Outside of raiding ours we are currently the most active guild on our server, constantly have people pushing keystones or running some sort of event together.
We also have a monday night social run that runs through Normal BoD for alts or people who want to work on logs, this runs from 8pm-11pm ST (AEDST)
Here is a link to our original Recruitment post for more information -
Otherwise feel free to add me on any form of contact to chat more!
Definitely looking forward to a great new addition to our guild and teams 
Bnet - purplenub#6756
Discord - Derankaix#3574