Hello all,
I’m an older gamer looking for an AOTC focused guild that has some older folks in it also. Friendly, Social and non toxic environment that has guild activity on non raid days would be awesome.
Would like to find a 2 night a week (2-3 hours per night) raid guild that also does mythic + dungeons. Bonus if you do torghast together, slow as a healer solo.
I am available any day of the week to raid, I would prefer somewhere in the time frame between 8/9 pm start to 11pm/12am end time(EST).
I am alliance now, but willing to faction change for the right fit. I would also prefer to stay on either east coast or central time zone servers.
I am only 9/10N experienced in the Castle. My shadowlands start has been rough and I am behind the curve now. But, looking ahead is what i do and so here I am.
What you get from me is simply someone who will have high raid attendance, plays almost everyday, willingness to help others and be part of a team. I am not the greatest player out there (good enough for AOTC though), but I know not to stand in bad, have situational awareness and always striving to better myself. Ive played this game since it was in Beta with a couple breaks thrown in during the years.
As the title says my main is a resto shaman, but I do have a priest and druid at 60 and slowly working on them, both healers and the priest is holy.
I just want to emphasize the importance of the guild being friendly and social, uses discord voice for other things other than just raiding and having active members outside of raid times. Please leave me a blurb about your guild and contact info if I sound like a good fit. Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon.
I believe i posted this on the stormrage page itself, but let me know if yorue interesetd! discord is Lukova#2626
Hello, Contingency Plan might be the place for you.
Guild & Server: Contingency Plan :Horde: The Scryers
Raid Times/Days: 8-10 EST Wednesday 7-10 EST Friday.
Current Progression: New Guild. 10/10N and 6/10H looking to fill out our team to continue progression.
Recruitment Contacts: Cidniz-The Scryers Discord: Cidniz#4705
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/the-scryers/Contingency+Plan
Requirements: 200 ilvl, and a knowledge of how your class works. Logs of your previous boss attempts very helpful
Needs: DPS and 1 Healer
We’re mostly raiders that no longer have a drive for high end mythic content. So we’ll be a mostly AotC focused guild that will dabble in mythic raiding. We also have a healthy M+ community, but only pushing 10-12 keys currently. I see that our Friday raid time might be a bit too early for you though, but if not shoot me a message on discord.
Hey Pennz our guild is currently recruiting.
GUILD: Numinous
Server: Dalaran-US
Faction: Horde
Current Progress: 10/10 Normal & 3/10H
Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 9 PM EST
Currently Looking For:
[High Priority] Range DPS (Mage, Warlock), Healer
But are also taking in any class or spec.
About Us: Numinous is a semi-hardcore-based progression guild that was formed by experienced raiders, wanting to form a raid team that progresses into high-tier content while maintaining a chill atmosphere. We also run high mythic+ keys and have an active discord even when we are not in the raid.
Battlenet: M05final#1114
Discord: M05final#9096
Hey! Wanted to throw us out there. We are a group of older people looking to get AoTC. Casual guild regularly running M+ on non raid nights whether it be alts or mains. We raid Wed & Sun 8pm CST (9pm EST) and usually go for about 2 hours. We are currently looking for a healer!
GAINS 9/10H(Sire @5% and half the team already AOTC) is a newly formed mythic raid/high m+ team based on Tichondrius! The goal is to recruit players that are competent enough to push for CE and competitive m+ keys each season…
Who is Jonpocalypse??
I will be your Raid Lead and GM of the guild! I’ve been playing WoW for 7years and have experience in min/maxing dps/tank roles. I’ve mostly been playing a dk(all 3 specs) with a focus on blood dk for the past 2.5years. I hold myself to a high standard and strive to lead by example. I’ll always put in the work to improve, take criticism, and push my character to the best it can be and I’ll be expecting the same from everyone else on the team.
Who are YOU?
You should be someone that can also strive to be the best on their main character and be committed to sticking out your main character through progression fights until the end of the tier. Someone who can stay positive and knows that progression means PROGRESSION, aka someone who doesn’t explode after 5 wipes on a progression boss. This is NOT going to be a casual team so there WILL be requirements during/outside raid nights. If you are not ok with/able to commit to playing more than the raid nights, DO NOT join the team. There will be a spot for you in the guild where you can hangout, just not a spot in the team.
Recruitment Needs:
DPS- ANY! We don’t have a Lock or DH btw
Healers- Resto Shaman and Disc Priest
Tank- Any non-BDK tank
Do not hesitate to apply as long as you can commit to the requirements below!
LOGS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO JOIN. If you do not have them then you’ll be under review heavily as a trial.
Raid Times:
Wednesday and Thursday 7p-11p Pacific time
What are the requirements for Raid nights?
-Be on time! If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late(more than 3 times a month), you’re not part of the team.
-All slots gemmed and enchanted
-Come prepared with multiple health potions, battle potions, and personal food
-Come to raid knowing your role and mechanics of the fight
-Loot will be Personal with an emphasis to pass off loot if your main spec doesn’t need it
If you’ve read this far and are intrigued to join please fill out this application and we’ll contact you if you’re a good fit:
Google Docs
You may also contact me:
Btag: sugarbearjon#1635
Discord: sugarbearjon#9375
Hi there,
Assuming I’m not too late in the sea of guild spam, please reach out to me either on Discord (BlitzkriegDC#8703) or Bnet (BlitzkriegD#1781)
Hello from the horde (where we’re not just a horde, but a home)
We are on the Dalaran Server (Eastern time zone), The name is part of our gameplay mindset. We are moving and shaking and doing this and that, but as a social and enjoyable community focused forward.
Right now we are working on our raid team and we are at 6/10 H and would love to have you come in to experience the magic of our first Sire Denathrius kill with us. We have a large community of players that do a variety of this and that, and our discord reflects that (bad jokes and all … mostly from me).
More specifically about our raid though, we raid Friday and Saturday evening from 9:30 est to 12:30 est. we run a 2/3/9 comp but may be expanding that as our raid team grows.
As a nontraditionally aged player myself I would say we have a supportive community that will always help each other whether that is learning the ropes, running mythics, doing transmogs, or just somebody to chat with as you fish for a title/pet/mount/achievement.
If you are interested here is my contact info:
Discord: Multispork #8293
Battle.net: Multispork#1187
Good luck wherever your journey takes you!
Dirty Mike and the Boys(H) Malganis is looking for a few healers. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est. We are /10 Heroic. Laid back guild. Most players are 30+. We have an active group of players on non raid days for M+. If interested or have any questions please message me on Battlenet MtMan#1965 or Discord MtMan#2491
Hello Pennz! I own a small, semi-casual guild on servers Rexxar/Misha named Wolves of the North. We’re trying to regroup after members falling off of the game. We want to have a 10-15 player raid group raiding Fridays & Saturdays 9pm - 12am EST. 3/10N currently. We are in need of all roles.
We’re all mature players, and have prior commitments in the real life. We’re all here to have fun, and run content together. No unrealistic hard-core goals set. No intense scheduling. Semi-casual AOTC mindset, with priority in having fun.
If you’re interested, my discord is zdunny69#4257, feel free to message me with any questions!
Pyreanor is a smallish semi-hardcore guild on Wyrmrest Accord that is looking to build our community for heroic raiding in Shadowlands. We’re 10/10N 1/10H CN and are looking to progress farther.
Currently we’re compromised of players who are raid ready, gearing up to raid, or are starting to get into mythic dungeons.
Our main goal is AotC by the end of Shadowlands without that one guy who yells in voice chat. We’re well on our way.
Our raid times are Tues Thurs at 6pm Pacific. (7 mountain, 8 central, 9 eastern.) We run about three hours.
Aside from the raiding aspirations, we help others gear up and we teach new players. We have a weekly schedule and events almost every night of the week including Torghast night, key night, casual BG night, and a variety night with different activities each week.
We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses and looting epics and make our core a little bigger.
Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.
Zandrae#1418 / D: Zandrae#1418
have u found a guild yet? We are still seeking dependable dps and heals for our heroic grp tonight we are on generals… We will be heading towards mythics as soon as i can get twenty people. Currently running 2/3/9. Heroic grp runs tue /wed 745pm to 10pm.est.Normal grp runs thurs friday 745pm to 10pm est. and We love keys. Have lots in the guild who run high keys 15 plus. and this is an established guild same gm in same guild since 2010 and i hope that you consider unbroken alliance. If not good luck in gaming.
Hit me up at Ureka#1269 or Urekka on stormrage or padock on stormrage have a great day:D