FOUND A GUILD: 379 (H) Aff Lock LF Mythic Raiding Guild

EDIT: I’ve found a new home in Zul’Jin, thanks for the posts!

Hey, I’m an Aff Lock on Kil’Jaeden looking to mythic raid in BFA.

I’ve been an officer in a puggression guild for the past few weeks but we’ve been having attendance issues for our core and had to suspend our mythic raiding group. We were 2/8M with 10% on Zek’vos.

I’m ilvl 379 right now, though not best stat prio but I’m working on it. 8/8H (of course, 2/8M. I know Zek mechanics and raid leaded Zek for a handful of raid nights (but we had to pug about 5 people each time who didn’t know the fight or mechanics). I’d be looking for a guild that’s 4/8 or maybe 5/8 to progress with, I’m really really sick of Zek’vos and if you have a core that’s built well for MFetid (not too much mele) that’d be nice.

I pick stuff up fast (I started 2 weeks into BFA, it’s my first time playing endgame).

Availability (Central Time: Chicago):
MWF: 4PM - 1 AM
TTh: 4PM - 12AM

Sat/Sun: Free all day, Sunday nights available until 11PM

I can run heroics during the week if you need to fill your heroic group though I have no items to get from it unless it’s a good forge.

I’ve got a 119 (will be 120 tomorrow) holy priest I’m working on as well.

If you want a reference, you can talk to my guild lead (ask me for it).

Bnet: QwertyLegend#1151
Discord: QwertyLegend#0001


Not my guild, but maybe check out Warsong on Turalyon. They raid Saturday & Sunday from 1pm-4pm EST. They host a Heroic on Fridays for people who think they may be interested in joining. = )

  • Heroic Uldir, Weekly, Fridays @ 8pm-11pm EST
    Leader: Pandapriest-Turalyon (Pandatoons#1346)

People interested in meeting/partially trialing for Warsong’s Mythic raid team should attend this run. 355+ ilvl requirement.

Happy hunting!

Hey Malenterse, i know we are slightly lower than what you are looking for, but is always looking for more capable players. Upside is we are on Kiljaeden already so no transfer needed, and we currently have a roster of 22 so no need to worry about pugging, we are looking to expand that number to a more comfortable 25-27 raiders though. If you are interested in our mentality and systems for who plays and who sits where i would be more than happy to talk about it with you. Downside we are still at Zek’voz, our best pull so far is 10% but based on our last raid night we should kill him any night now! I would love to sit down and compare logs with you some time. Hopefully you want to become part of the family, but weather or not you decide to go with us i wish you the best in your hunt for a guild and hope you get that CE.

8/8H 2/8M on Kil’Jaeden Horde US is currently recruiting reliable players for our BFA progression team!

Illicit is a guild composed of close friends and long-time WoW players, many of which share the goal to clear mythic content. We are looking to have as much fun as possible while simultaneously clearing mythic content in a timely fashion. While we are not quite a cutting edge guild yet we are constantly trying to learn, improve, and adapt in order to get there.

Trials will typically last 4+ weeks. Expectations include but are not limited to:

  • Raid preparedness - showing up consistently & on time, gemmed, enchanted, etc.
  • Strong knowledge & proficiency on your class.
  • AOTC raid experience or better.
  • A drive to improve & a willingness to accept critique.

Raiding Times:

6:30 - 10:30 PM server time (Pacific Standard Time) on Tuesday & Wednesday.

Currently Recruiting:


Havoc Demon Hunter-Medium
Frost Death Knight-Low
Unholy Death Knight-Low
Balance Druid-Very High
Feral Druid-Medium
Beast Mastery Hunter-Very High
Marksmanship Hunter-High
Survival Hunter-Low
Arcane Mage-Low
Fire Mage-Low
Frost Mage-Low
Windwalker Monk-Low
Retribution Paladin-Medium
Shadow Priest-Medium
Assassination Rouge-High
Outlaw Rouge-High
Subtlety Rouge-Very High
Elemental Shaman-Medium
Enhancement Shaman-Low
Affliction Warlock-Very High
Demonology Warlock-Medium
Destruction Warlock-Medium
Arms Warrior-High
Fury Warrior-High

Even if your role is not listed here, please inquire as any exceptional player will be considered!

Contact Us

Quintos (Raid Leader) - Quintos#1991
Rude (Guild Master) - Rudesy#1659
Shinedown (Officer) - Shinedown#1664
Quintos#8333 Discord
Rudesy#9052 Discord

Feel free to contact any of the above Officers if you are interested in joining us!

8/8H 7/8M


   Salt Factory is a later evening guild located on Tichondrius - US, formerly known as Insomnia of Sargeras. Over the years, we've built a community of people who genuinely like playing together. We wanted to once again come together and create something for BFA. We believe in the mantra "raid smarter, not harder" and established a guild built upon that belief. While there are many of us that have raided at the higher echelons of the US raiding scene, we believe that rank means nothing without genuinely caring where you raid and who you surround yourself with. We place importance on the morale and atmosphere of the raid, and have endeavored to provide an environment that can be thoroughly enjoyed to its fullest while staying competitive.
      While our raiding times or community may not be ideal for all, we're a guild with personality, that prides ourselves on our unique, and down-to-earth atmosphere. With each passing tier we strive to not only improve as individuals, but together as a team. Because we believe that teamwork is the most crucial building block of any successful guild. 


What you can expect from us :

  • Guild leadership focused on not only progression but the overall health of the guild
  • Reliable and skilled players who share a common goal
  • A social atmosphere not commonly found in progression guilds

What we expect from you :

  • Reliability
  • Ability to communicate clearly & efficiently
  • Ability to adapt quickly
  • Consistency & punctuality [showing up every night, and on time is a MUST].
  • Genuine commitment
  • Experience and the knowledge to play your class to its fullest!

3day/9hr a week
Tues - Weds - Thursday : 8 PM-11 PM PST (11 PM - 2 AM EST] / [10 PM -1 AM CST]

PROGRESSION (current & during content) :

  • T20 - 8/9M before calling it for the expac. best kill US#97
  • T19 - US#96
  • T18 - US#165
  • T17 - US#119
  • T16 - US#136
  • T15 - US#94


Contact any of the officers for questions or concerns!

Officer Contact info :

GM : Bnet - Kisshot#1230 / Discord tag - Kiss#7258
Recruitment Officer : Bnet - Tida#1933 / Discord tag - Tida#5705

<Alliance Lives Matter> Connected Realms- Scilla, Zuluhed, Andorhal and Ursin

Currently 6/8M, 8/8H Uldir, 8/8N Uldir, 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge guild]. We are #1 Alliance on our server group.


Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 holy paladin and 1 disc+holy priest healer , 1 ranged dps. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.

We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.

Guild Goals: To full clear mythic uldir in a timely competitive fashion [in progress] and all future mythic raid tiers going forward in a quick and competitive manner. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 6 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization.

Raid Schedule
[Mythic] Thursday 8:30pm-10:30pm cst for farm bosses.
[Mythic] Sat/Sun main mythic progression days 3:30-7:30 pm central.
[Heroic] Tuesday is our heroic uldir for our mythic raiders/sales run 8:30 central to 11:00pm. This run is optional but highly recommended for gear sharing.
[Heroic] Wednesday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.

We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges.

More about the guild: We do it all, we aren’t just raiders. We are extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 28-35. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.

If you’re interested in raiding with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer!

BTag: Ashe#1789

Discord: Ashie#6243

In Game: Nebulaphobia-Scilla

<Fallen Empire> is competitive raiding guild on Thunderhorn - US. Our core group of players are exceptional at their roles and have 14 years of mythic raiding experience under their belt. We are a dedicated raiding guild that helps our players get the most out of the game and their goals. We foster a mature, fun and relaxed atmosphere but expect all our raiders to be prepared and excited to work on progression content. We value teamwork, communication, and fun!

Recruiting for all roles and specs - Disc Priest, Ranged DPS

All excellent players will be considered regardless of class

Past Progression:

Too long to post, have been a guild since BC. Thanks!


5/8 M Uldir with progress on Fetid

Raid Times

Tuesday 8-11 CST

Wednesday 8-11 CST


Sunday 11am Alt Mythic Raid

Monday 8pm Heroic

Want to chat with one of our super cool officers? Add one of the following battle tags



<Disturbed> - Zul’jin - 3 nights/week - Semi-Hardcore
Progression: Mythic (6/8) Heroic (8/8) Normal (8/8)

Disturbed is a Semi-Hardcore Guild. We finished 330 in US and 15 on the server in Legion. We are an active guild who runs a ton of mythic plus throughout the week and weekend. Looking to fill a couple spots on the roster that have opened up.

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Thursday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Monday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Optional Raid Day (Heroic Clear) - Tuesday 8:00 PM EST
Holidays will be rescheduled.

Current Recruitment Needs:
• DPS - Warlock & Shadow Priest
• Holy Paladin

All classes will be considered.

Server Information:
Chicago Datacenter
Eastern Realm Time

In-game contacts:
Potty (Nuttie#1266)
Madness (Madness#12309)

Hey man would love to start a conversation about finding you a home
FC-AREA52 3/8m and 14% on vectis
Tues/Thurs 8-11pm est

Discord Drunge#9600
Bnet Drunge#1410

Hey malen
REGENCY on Mal’Ganis, Horde is recruiting for multiple teams!

Raid Teams
Legends of Chaos - Mythic Raid Team
Progression: 3/8 Mythic Uldir, 8/8 Heroic Uldir
Time: 7pm to 10pm CST
Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Dirty Sand Skeletons - Mythic Raid Team
Progression: 6/8 Heroic Uldir, 8/8 Normal Uldir
Time: 7:00pm to 10:00pm CST
Days: Tuesday, Thursday

Repulsion - Mythic Raid Team
Progression: 7/8 Heroic Uldir
Times: 9pm to 12am CST
Days: Tuesday, Wednesday

Misfits - Mythic Raid Team
Progression: 1/8 Mythic Uldir, 8/8 Heroic Uldir
Times: 7:30pm to 10:30pm CST
Days: Friday, Saturday

Hallowed Ground - Mythic Raid Team
Progression: 2/8 Mythic Uldir, 8/8 Heroic Uldir
Times: 11pm to 2am CST
Days: Friday, Saturday

Recruitment Officers: Rynoir (Btag: ClaireBear#1202, Discord: Symmone#2172)
Chriztoph (Btag: Chriztoph#1117)

4/8M 2 day here.

We have an opportunity for a primary warlock. We have 0 (the one we have is swapping to another role) moving forward and is available pending a trial. From the logs, you seem like a good candidate and I’d like to extend an invitation.

You can reach me specifically with questions: emjay#11739 on bnet