Do people not realize this?
I always see people say “Use Ikky” or “Buy a Second Ikky, It’s Worth It” to people.
Ikky does have a breed advantage, as it comes in P/S to Foulfeather’s B/B, however, Foulfeather comes in a type advantage, as it is able to fill its final slot with either Flying OR Undead, whereas Ikky only has Flying.
But why don’t people ever suggest using Foulfeather? I’ve substituted Foulfeather perfectly fine in every Ikky strategy.
Going to wager it’s because of how new Foulfeather is relative to Ikky. Ikky has been around since WoD and so it’s been a staple in many strategies for a while. Plus it’s a pretty easy and straightforward pet to collect, whereas Foulfeather relies on either buying/trading or getting it as an RNG drop.
I’m sure in one or two expansions from now, Foulfeather will be mentioned as a substitute or in place of Ikky more frequently. Especially since it has the potential to be more versatile since it can come in 3 different breeds, vs. Ikky’s single breed.
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Thank you, Maizou! I was doing Gnomeregon for the first time tonight, and found that trying to use Ikky in more than one strategy just wasn’t working. I only have one Ikky, but had read this thread earlier, so was able to change pets and finish the fight with no problem.
I know, I’m a slacker and should have an Ikky for each alt but - life happens.
Foulfeather has more than one breed?! “sigh” Of course the breed I get is probably the least useful for its’ skills. Oh well, live and collect.
I beg to differ on this.
At least getting a second one. It’s buried deep in multiple quest chains and dependencies that almost require clearing multiple zones of thier story chains.
On an alt that didn’t full complete WoD, just an hour on wowhead trying to figure out what and where to start that journey.
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I didn’t have as much trouble when I helped my wife get hers. She just flew back to the entrance of Spires of Arak (coming from Talador) and picked up the first Spire’s quest. From there, it was 18 quests to ikky, which went quickly on a 120 (19 if you count the actual pick up ikky quest). We used the post by sluggzo here:
It’s been close to a month since we did it, but I don’t recall any issues off the top of my head
Because you can roll a class trial for free and get Ikky in 20 minutes - I timed it. That’s a guaranteed pet with minimal effort. Foul feather is an Island Drop and I’ll have an Ikky (or many Ikkys) well before I am guaranteed to get one.
Also, it’s really going to depend on the fight, and what you need from the pet.
Some fights Foulfeather works 100% fine as a sub. Sometimes it’s the better pet if you have the S/S breed, because 9/10 your base speed will be faster than the enemy, and you still get to go 1st each turn even after you drop below 50% hp.
However, if you need the extra oomph, Ikky outclasses Foulfeather in the power department. Especially if you’re fighting an enemy that’s using shields, and you have to eat through their damage reduction.
Instead of Ikky I’ve been using the Chitterspine Skitterling often. While not flying, it does come in a s/s breed and will be faster than Ikky sub 50% health, which is important on a couple fights. Also Chitterspine Skitterling is a wild caught pet in Nazjatar, really easy to get.
I bought one of these yesterday… havent leveled him up yet but i will.