Forums do not fit on phone?

I don’t know how to explain other than the word wrap on some of the post titles is not working; therefore, the titles are like 25 words long…and it’s making every page not fit on my phone.

I have to constantly scroll to the right to read everything, now.

Just started a few minutes ago,

Maybe someone who is more technologically savvy can explain it better than me.

iPhone 11 Pro - Safari browser.


I noticed that earlier as well. iPhone 8+ using Chrome.


Ah so it’s not just me awesome. Iv been trying to find out what I might have clicked but to no avail.

You want to post in the mobile bug report forum.


Looks like it got transferred over.

Thanks! Thought I clicked on the right category but I suffer from fat fingers occasionally. :slight_smile:

Everything looks good to me, but then I’m using Firefox app on an iPhone 13. It seems to be limited to the Safari app, I just checked.

FWIW, the forums are a third-party software product called Discourse. This bug is cropping up in other forums that use Discourse, and the lead developer has indicated the bug popped up in association with a recent change to the software, so they’re working on squashing it.


Thanks for the info, its not just the word wrap but also any kind of select or quote components are janky and borked.

Also if you are on a thread that has multiple reply you will notice issues when scrolling down or up to read.