You’re right, you do talk like a boomer.
For all you know I’m your dad
Wrong. Nocht is my new dad. You will have to fight him for that title.
This statement:
Belies this statement:
there’s always been whining. society as a whole is more unhappy now. this is just a reflection.
Just because he’s been playing wow for 13+ years doesn’t mean he’s been trudging through the cesspool that is the wow forums. This man is just a fresh flower ready to decay on his first expedition into this tomb.
Blink twice if someone forced you to write that.
Oh forums, umm add the word bear in your next post.
This is unbearliveable.
Is this the guy who keeps bumping his guild recruitment thread?
Who wants to join a guild when its leadership are capable of this level of unawareness and incompetence?
It’s like, “Hey, we’re going to raid Gruul’s Lair!”
Everyone shows up at Gruul’s except this guy who is sitting in Deadwind Pass because he forgot where Gruul’s Lair was.
You win the internet today.
I feel personally attacked.
well, for some of us, that is entirely why we’re here whining
I had actually quit/unsubbed from WoW and then the Pandemic happened because I could no longer work at the same job
what was the point of this OP? are you trolling? go back to retail, not even joking, you’re clearly butthurt about something, maybe your precious guild lost half its members to classic and you miss showing off your 400+ mount collection to them, a testament to a waste of time beyond my comprehension. Or maybe you hate the idea of playing a game that only lets you buy ONE cash shop mount and a boost…
Either way, this forum has alot of problems, and most of them are caused by retail refugees demanding classic become retail, they need to go back, and so do you.
Are you new to the internet?
Who hurt you lol
well It did work pretty well for me so …
Bearjames, you should know some people here will find it very ironic for you to say people whine because it makes you look like you are whining. Just so you know.
Ah the Forum.
A place to discuss things of public interest.
I raise an issue.
Perhaps I dislike a feature in game.
I make a topic to discuss my frustration, articulated or the direct antonym.
Forum Users: Dear Sirs at Blizzard, I dislike X feature!
Blizzard: Shut up crybaby. What you do you think this forum is for? Public discussions? Shut up. If you’re not going to type happy positive things 100% of the time, just shut up. Baby.
You’re going to quit?
Give me your gold then.
I dream of the day when one of these people quits and they find some random person in Stormwind, like me, and just hands them all their gold and stuff.