Forum revamp

Yes but I was stating in jest.

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I can add you in game now with char-server and you wouldn’t ever know, but I would see when you are online and where. I can message you, send you mail, and do it on alts.

BTags are more secure. Can’t do any of that.

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I like how this devolved into the same people arguing in circles like it always does the terminally online are always entertaining :popcorn:

Again, you’d be wrong.


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There are very few people that bring out hate and me and they’re usually people that hurt children or animals or something along those lines.
I don’t even hate my worst enemies. I get aggravated with people and I have no patience or tolerance for having my time wasted by someone who is being disingenuous and that’s usually whenever I use the ignore but I don’t know what kind of petulant personality someone would have to have to hate somebody over forum posts

I don’t even hate the poster that intentionally lied about me yesterday. They just annoy me to no end because I don’t like people who lie

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My question is what are they trying to hide. Like no one can doxx off a bnet but if youre so afraid of a google seach finding multiple posts of you why would that bother you legit you will find bnets or other gamer tags from nearly every other video game out there on google.

How is it wrong? Are you saying people can’t stalk people with Char-Server friend lists that are not mutual?

If you are worried about BTags outside of the game then all they have to do is let you change it before implementing or use another moniker.

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you hate me admit it you saw my rock eater toon and went i hate that man.

The op started a discussion and we are all participating. This is a discussion form so I don’t understand what the surprise is LOL

Some of the topics on this forum are productive. Some of them are inconsequential. Some of them are controversial like this topic and people participate. I don’t see what the problem is personally but some people seem to think that anytime you disagree with them arguing logical details and points that you are trolling them or something evidently because they don’t like being disagreed with

account wide ignore yes. bnet tag no.

you would just get hyper trolls that make fresh battlenet accounts to troll while the average people wont want to use the forums anymore cause it shows their btag.

also showing btag would invite harassment. idk why people like you think its a good idea. like we’ve literally been through this showing real id thing years ago. it didnt work then and it wouldnt work now.

you have to have a sub to use the forums tho. No sub no forums. so trolls have to pay 15 for trolling plus their normal 15 for game .

Btags aren’t secure.

They can be used in such a way to enable more harassment and or stalking.

You just can’t fathom the social environments that work around it.

I think it was innocent enough but somebody from this forum has already contacted me in game. And I’ve asked in the past that no one do that. I think it was somebody that I actually enjoy reading and interacting with in here so it wasn’t a huge deal.
But I think having a little bit more of my account information is something that I don’t want in here because of that sort of thing right there

Multiboxers don’t even need fresh accounts, they’ll just use one of their spares.

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Again, you are being vague intentionally because you can’t actually articulate how it’s not secure.

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I’ve already said how.

You just won’t believe it possible.

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yea so botters and trolls would dominate the forums. thats the world we want? erm

seems counter intuitive

You didn’t, but keep pretending like you did.

Anytime anybody tells me anything about software being secure I usually just laugh because well I know things. I have seen things done where someone thought their stuff was secure and the person who was doing something probably should be sitting in a jail cell right now LOL

Someone on this form can tell me how secure whatever it is and I’m just not naive enough to believe it.

I’ve talked to people who design software and they have told me numerous times that if somebody wants to do something they’re going to be able to do it if they’re determined enough

There you go.
