Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

You’re either with, or against threats, wishes of self harm or mocking dead family members. There is no middleground or nuance to be had.

Any comment after that isn’t immediate “I’m with them” or “I’m against them”, will just be you saying “I’m with them”.

So which is it going to be?

I’d still disagree but this isn’t the platform to discuss such mature topics.

Now. You for forum wide wipes or no? Thoughts?

So your saying your with and support threats, wishes of self harm or mocking dead family members then. Alright, glad you settle on that then.

Also, i’m not for forum wipes because it’s never a good idea. See Pre 2018 forums with having so much useful info just gone overnight one day. (Also, no, i don’t wish to continue discuss forum wipes because there’s nothing to discuss, it’s simply a bad idea)

Only problem is those in the back you can shout out the truth to them but they’re all
see no truth
hear no truth
speak no truth


Love it. We need a thread with fun cat and dog Gifs.

Mostly lurking in this topic, but I don’t think a forum wipe has any benefit.

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What i find ironic is they want people identified if they are flagged by them but want their identity hidden in order to make it harder for others to identify them for flagging as well as make it harder for them to be ignored .

They say what they want will make the forums less toxic but honestly that would make it more toxic then it has ever been .


There’s no resolution where either side submits to the other.

Only when Blizzard decides to take a step into the court…if they ever do.

Till then, I’ll keep swirling around the idea of a forum wipe. Might do some good even though it ain’t lookin too pretty from various perspectives.

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Fuzz has a neat pet thread c:


And people will still tell you it’s a bad idea.

Erasure of information is always a bad thing, since it would be useful for generations to come. Esp for this game here where there’s macro’s addons, lore, etc to be learned. Or when it comes to certain issues or etc. Or just hang with a community even.

And all for what? Because people want you to be held accountable for your own actions, and you want to hide and tell terrible things to other people, like the things i’ve said?

I can see why you call the the things i bought up mature, because you simply lack the capacity to do so yourself.


I personally can not see a outcome of Wiping the Forum of all posts being beneficial in any form. There is a lot of good information and history on these forums. Yes, there is bad history as well. But that is History that should be available for us as users to reference when we feel the need to.

Wiping all the posts will not bring forth any form of unity or understanding from the users of the forums. People will always take sides, and people will always feel strongly about their position and defend that position. Sometimes we as users go too far and if that happens, I would certainly like to see the Blizzard moderation team be more consistent on how it moderates, as I’m sure most of us would like to see that.


This is where someone has to bring up the classic quote: “those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it”


It’s a very important quote for people to remember.


This is an example of “If I don’t see it, it must not exist” and I see this being used a lot when talking about Btags. WoW forums are the only bnet forums that do not use Btags. If you post any other forum it will be with your Btag. Just because you don’t use other bnet forums does not mean your Btag is now magically private information.

People would be able to track me easier by my account name than my Btag Doomcookies#1636.


I say the bad history is even benefital for us. So we can learn from it. And ya know what they say about doomed history being repeated.

Looks at the butchered meatpile of a quote Bari bought and back at you

Close enough right? :eyes:

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Rude! I was trying to fight for your cause! Don’t you want this changes as soon as WARTHIN is released!

Glares at the gnome

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What did Tobi said that it’s trolling? The silly abbreviation for the expansion? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’s forcing a meme at this point.

I don’t see what’s wrong with inserting humor every now and then.

I mean we all called Mist of Pandaria, MoP, Or me personally, Heroes of the Storm as Herostorm.

MoP up the WoD of Warthin crackers spilled all over the floor. :broom: :rice_cracker: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: