Forum bg "fight night"

Would anyone actually wanna do this?

Could be fun to get 20 people together and duke it out

10v10 warsong

I’d stream it or something lol


What’s “or something”?!



Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to

:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

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that anime kinda owns btw LMAO, also is that a mousepad?

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It’s a long story, but yes lol

I’m sure some of the premades that constantly do epic BGs would be keen. /s

I don’t think any epic players would do it tbh

Ill take that bet anyday, they hardly want to face each other and when they do they argue about it and accuse the other of cheating (lol).

i feel like most epic bgers avoid “tests of skill”

feel free to prove me wrong any epic bgers out there =)

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If they were interested in competitive 10-man PvP, they’d do rated bgs.

They’re more interested in playing PvP the way it’s meant to be played — premade raids roflstomping pugs.

Can you imagine epic vs random bg sync q


Friday is our big night, we’re busy.

sunday works?

Maybe. Like after dinner but before 8 est. And I expect to get rolled btw. :smiley:

wait would u actually be down

Yeah, might be fun!

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I’ll poke some friends tomorrow

actually a lot of respect for you torture, wow


Sounds like fun. I’d do it