Forum and its negativity and toxicity

You are very much correct. Unfortunately they live for the reactions that they get, so they do their best to impersonate Eeorye every single opportunity. I’m just ignoring them when they choose to interact with me in that manner. Life is better with the ignore feature.

The game has flaws. All things have flaws. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same things. If they are not enjoying the game any longer then they need to move on with their lives and quit wasting it trying to ruin it for others. Trust me, Blizzard can ruin it just fine on their own without their help.

There’s also a difference with being constructive with criticism towards the game and some of the actions that others take on the forums. It’s sometimes hard to separate the two though. Because the game has meant a lot to so many people and it has had really bad moments.

For the content creators who make their living solely (or almost entirely) on covering WoW its also tough to take what they say too seriously as well. Negativity drives clicks for only so long, at some point if the community actually gives up on the game there wont even be clicks for the negative stuff. And also they want to stay in good with the Devs so they get interviews and back channel info to drive their content.

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Im always toxic! Im like, mercury or something. Gimme your lunch money dork :facepunch:

Yeah, expect crap and you will be happy with garbage!

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I had to do a double take. Is that your alt? xD

(IMO) Just wanted to add (and I mean no disrespect by it) that a big chunk of players that still play and haven’t move on are JUST AS OLD as the game…
And this even though it does not apply to everyone, some statistic show that as time goes and people grow older doing the same thing for years all that is left is being hyper critical about that X or Y thing they “chose” to do or “invest their time”, for so long. (IMO)

So it could also be a part that add to that negativity but the GM and Devs that deal with the community are actually aware of that… and are trying to work hard in this expansion to update and fix what they can of the game. (IMO)
They know they can’t control opinions specially with such an old following of costumers/consumers but they can make sure the new players or even maybe the returning ones see these changes and stay in WoW.

This is all my opinion of what I observe, talk, chat, read and view over the years as I interacted with others, I’m not speaking for everyone in my comment, but its something a lot of new players have talk to me about recently.

Tonight a friend of mine will be introducing another friend from FF14 to WoW he dosen’t like how outdated the cartoony graphics look for WoW, still he is willing to give it a go, so we doing a Discord session together to help him through character creation and see if we can help him at least complete the free trial stuff without quitting. (We will be doing a bit of RPG for fun and jokes to make it engaging)

So ill probably will be copy pasting his feedback (ill edit it if its too big or harsh that it gets deleted) on here if he gives me permission.

I hope it goes well as one of these friends only plays WoW and his been dying to get more of us (his real life friends) to play with him, he even offer to pay for a sub and expansion if tmy FF14 buddy likes it!

:crossed_fingers: :grimacing:

No way, I don’t support battle tags. Also, I only post on one character I don’t have time for all that other stuff.


Oh got you lol

You two looked alike I was like, “wait a minute…”

Still nowhere near the golden age of the forums when it was the wild west with very low moderation.

True, my transmog is so cool others copy it. :wink:

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Toward the end of SL I was trying out random guilds to see if I could find something that fit.

One day someone said “is everyone excited for DF?”

I said “It’s the least excited I’ve been since Cata.” The first time I’d ever made a comment in the chat.

I was immediately whispered with outrage, told I was toxic, negative, and I was ruining the game.

I ended up making a one member guild.

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Well stated.

I hope your friend likes it, but my guess is… He’ll play on 1 or 2 extended subscriptions… (say 6mo to 1yr.

After that he’ll go back to ff14, and never look back to wow, (except as “what a waste”.

I hope I’m wrong… wow could use “new blood”.

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I mean, this is the place that people are encouraged to come and give their feedback when they’re unsubscribing or unhappy in general, so coming here to complain i 100% understand.

You want to know what i don’t understand? People that claim to be super happy with the expansion but spend all of their spare time loitering around on the forums playing white knight and attacking people that aren’t happy. To me it seems like a happy passenger that had a great flight hanging around the lost luggage desk and berating other passengers for being unhappy lol


Everyone thinks that Wrath was popular because of the content. Everyone seems to forget it was released in Nov. of 2008 right before the December crash of the housing market and the biggest recession in US history since the crash of 1929 bled into 1930s. TONS of people were laid off or otherwise out of work from Dec 2008-July 2012. The unemployment rate was at 9.3%; and buying into a $15 subscription to a game addiction helped them stay entertained at home when going out to bars, restaurants and stores was out of the question because they had to budget like crazy. To compare, we’ve only seen unemployment at 8.1% at the peak of Covid.

I met all my best gaming friends during Wrath. As soon as the economy leveled off, the population dropped because free time went away.

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Except for the fact the vast majority of the games growth happened during BC, not Wrath.

/e eye starts to twitch remembering the drama from their original server forums…

Loot ninja threads were the best.

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this… that is when i started was middle to late BC… but they do have valid points in that really could have impacted part of the original decline.

I laughed. Perfect analogy.


I like to play, “Spot the damaged person”.