Forum and its negativity and toxicity

Dragonflight is a 6/10 expansion following a 1/10 one, the reason people aren’t praising Blizzard aside from that is because when you compliment blizzard they completely shut down and stop listening to players.

“Players say they are happy, stop reading forums we have time wasting systems we can cram into this dead horse while they’ve taken a break from beating it.”

NEVER tell Blizz you are happy, keep beating the dead horse and let the devs know we won’t take anymore stupid Ion systems being crammed in.


Give 'em and inch, they’ll take a… hundred more people off of payroll, nerf two more classes due to Power Infusion, and bring back the Shadowlands mission table.

I don’t wanna manifest this. 🫥


Or praise them and get a personalized Cookie of your choice.

It gives one really good random buff every 24 hours.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

The forum hosts more toxicity than any other place involving this game.

Negativity causes more clicks & interaction. Not just WoW but seems everything has gotten more negative. Conflict is clickworthy, butterflies & unicorns not so much.

Folks are getting older and to be honest I think some folks are just bored with the game. There is only so much that can be new and different no matter how blizzard tries. Some folks are also stuck in the past and have a how things used to be mindset. Neither is necessarily bad or wrong. This far out not everyone will be happy all of the time. Hopefully, a lot of ppl can be happy some of the time.


People believe what they are told, just look at politics.

And I do not watch other people play and I avoid Twitter, don’t have an account and all of that stuff – I do not listen, watch or read it.

It is like the Weather Channel, to keep viewers everything is sensationalized “Storm Watch 2023!”

Me, I treat it like walking down the street in New York; there are a lot of people trying to get my attention so that they can make money – I keep walking.

Forums have been pretty negative for as long as I can remember reading them. I don’t think its really trending in any direction. I tend to agree with the hypothesis that people with positive opinions about the game are less likely to make forum threads than people who are unhappy with the game.

Personally, I don’t think DF is great, but its an improvement over what came immediately before it. SL had potential but it was never realized, felt very unfinished and abandoned.


To what golden era of the forums are you actually comparing today?

To the one only they remember… I’ve been active on these forums since Wrath and they haven’t changed a lot…

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To be fair, I’ve been on the brink of opening a thread like this several times over the years myself. Eventually, that fact alone has become the reason I’m no longer tempted.

Major difference between players palates. I find no problem if someone says they enjoyed something, everything is subjective. However, it may come across ‘toxic’ if you view it as someone ‘dunking’ on Shadowlands.

If there’s objective examples of pros and cons, at the very minimum, that should be respected.

Imho,I see nothing unusual about that forum at all.

Personally, I think that says a lot to the issue, IMO, the game is very old, the mechanics are very old. The developers have built layer on top of layer and called them "expansions ". The original game isn’t available without starting an entirely new game (wow classic)

Also, it takes years (not months) to experience the game in it’s entirety, and the steps to transition from one “expansion” to another is so convoluted and complicated that it takes months to work through the what should be a simple transition.

So in my opinion the increase in toxicity is a natural result.

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I mean it comes and goes… Even tho there were 12M players in Wrath there was a lot of negativity. But then there has been a lot during every expansion. Like the old saying goes you can’t please 100% of the people 100% of the time. What can be considered fun by some isn’t by others. Prime example right now of that is M+. On these forums there are a ton of people who support, love, keeps them subbed… others don’t like it, think it has made the game to difficult causing them to no longer want to play. It has always been like this in some fashion.

Eh? The forums have been pretty consistent for their positivity/negativity for as long as I have been on them (original BC). And I have heard-tell (and have seen old screencaps from) original Vanilla that also show that.

There are ebbs, highs and lows that pop up, but even those tend to stay pretty much the same, maybe just different names. The kvetching about class, spec, dps, tanks, spells, rotations, etc etc. Or whenever a new game is coming out, you’ll see the waves of, “Is XYZ game going to be the WoW killer?”

Back during Vanilla, you had incidents like Tseric blowing a gasket on the forums because he got sick of the forum shenanigans. For reference:
WoW Wiki about Tseric

Or the posts about how “WoW is dead.” I can’t recall if the whole “Serenity Now” funeral pvp incident bled over into the realm forums or not, I think it did, but people lost their noodles over that one.

Back during the end of Cata into MoP I think, some of us were on here daily, trying to get a purely cosmetic treeant form for our druids, when they had gotten rid of resto druid shapeshift. That change came about, after much debating from people. I’d say that was a positive.

I remember someone back during WoD maybe, who was a new forum goer, who used to post, “How are you today?” threads Every Single Day it seemed lol. And the fun machinima threads people used to post were neat. There were also a lot of silly shenanigans in the pseudo rp threads that were just fun. That still kind of goes on today, though maybe not as much. And who can forget the TripleX pvp against pandas posts? lol

The forums are a mainstay, and they drift one way or another depending on any number of factors. The longer one stays, the more you see the patterns, imho.


Df is the best since Mists

Total crap…

Great points


LOL Let’s use our brains. Higher level critical thinking skills here. Professional Critics and Content creators literally influence the industry and settling for mediocrity is what their purpose is in the marketing cycle. Getting people to talk is the point of their platform.

The forums here should be a place for players to commiserate on the shoddy work that’s not landing epically on our doorsteps.

Critical thought is how we properly innovate and improve. So let our voices be heard.