Last night, I played Fortnite in WoW. It’s called Plunderstorm. It’s a Kid’s game, my nephew’s favorite game.
Never played Plunderstorm before. I am like a kid. I liked it.
It’s Free
This is a perfect example of BALANCE. Everyone is the same. Your Powers is Random and dictated by Luck. It’s unlike WoW where Meta Classes/Specs dominates.
Careful, this is a one-time thing. Don’t want someone coming back and complaining they aren’t getting tenders again if they already got them in DF’s Plunderstorm.
What I want to know is how the heck are the other team leveling so fast? I keep running into 7’s and 8’s and I’m only at 4-5.
It stinks getting killed over and over by high level players. I’m finishing the pirate mog and done. This was the first time I ever tried plunderstorm. I hate PVP so this will be the first, and last time I’ll personally ever touch it.
Yessss, so glad i tried it this time around myself.
i wish it was around all the time, i’d stay subbed a lot longer throughout the year n they could change the rewards every month or however long or something like that, or add rewards while keeping the current ones up for purchase.
you can hold me to that Blizz, should you decide to make it happen
Plunderstorm is so easy for me. 1700 Plundered Gold per game. And it is so funny to have those players kill each other. And those who try to chase me, getting one shot from me? They are messing up with the wrong guy. ROFL. So funny.
I just bought myself Hooktalon Parrot Mount to remind me of this Kid game in WoW.
The game principle to me is like from WarCraft3 when you play Free For All. My strategy then was to have my Heroes reach Level 6 ASAP to gain its Ultimate ability and getting all the best Items from Neutral monsters all over the map. Only then I would engage to enemy players.
Same thing with Plunderstorm. I just level up quickly and hunt for powerful items/spells… kill the hardest monsters and get its Gear-loot… then engage enemy players.