Forsaken/Undead Customization Megathread

My standing hope is:

  • They recenter the Forsaken as a race of Azerothians who had been condemned to the Maw correctly, as a second chance in life to at least make it to Revendreth/Purgatory
  • They make the Forsaken the agents of the Primus, “House of the Forsaken”, so there’s a narratively justifiable reason to keep their anti-hero, Victorian Gothic Penny Dreadful, Southern Gothic, 20th century Zombie Horror, Traditional Folklore Horror themes
  • They walk back this Calia-Lightforged nonsense, have the Primus give her a makeover, or maybe revive the fact she’s a discipline priest hero in Legion and give her a Necromantic-Shadow Banshee form and her “normal” porcelain Lightforged form
  • Give us a questline where Calia meets with each “type” of Forsaken: she goes to Windrunner Spire with Velonara, she walks around Tirisfal with Belmont, Faranell, and Lilian, she meets with Natalie Seline (WHO SHOULD BE FORSAKEN AS MY OP INSISTS) and Alonsus, she meets with Delaryn and that one Leper Gnome Undead that the Forsaken have, etc
  • Have Faranell made into the new Grand Apothecary (finally) and taught by Marileth to undo the blight in Undercity
  • Have Helcular and Abernathy be liches taught by Sin’dane, so Forsaken can use “proper” necromancy
  • Have Rathan teach the Forsaken better Fleshcrafting techniques to restore their bodies
  • etc

So much that could be done.

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