Forsaken/Undead Customization Megathread

Yup, I really dig the hairstyles and beards on them as well.


I’m a huge fan of Forsaken Beards, as well as jawless female Forsaken. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m conflicted because I think the Forsaken should stay hunched over in shame for not helping with the crisis in Shadowlands

But also that MAD DAPPER mustache :+1:

Don’t tell Moonguard.

Almost all races in the Alliance are to blame for something huge that doomed us all, and none of them are hunched.
Night Elves most of all, and they are the most upright postured race in the whole alliance.

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The male forsaken still looks pretty hunched over, but still an improvement. Is anyone else bothered by the huge chest they have compared to the rest of the body? Why are so many of the male models in this game like that? :weary:

I would probably play an undead if they weren’t hunched and if they were proportioned a lil better :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I mean, they had a chance to go help but they were like NOOO I WANNA COME BACK AS A GROSS CORPSE

Azerothians make weird life choices.

As if you were given a “choice” to be undead. lol


Yeah, it was be fodder for Sylvanas or back to the dirt nap.

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As of Cata they were allowed to wander off if they wanted. It was more like… what would you do and where would you go? The Forsaken is really the only game in town. lol

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Sorry, we knew it would be a mediocre expansion.

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Did it? It’s been a while since I made my warlock, but I thought it was serve Sylvanas or we can put you back in the ground, but they did have issues with some going insane and running off.

Yup, it does, I went and had a look. Good to know.
Valkyr says you’re free to choose your path, but if you choose to serve, talk to so and so.

I still feel like the Forsaken need a definite rebranding cultural shift. They seem to be lacking identity now. I used to wonder if part of destroying Undercity, was to build it back better and cooler, but who knows. Same for Teldrassil.

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So much this.

We don’t need them to be all happy go lucky good guys all of a sudden but this loss of Sylvanas and her never really caring about them being out in the open now should shake the Forsaken to their core. Plus the return of Calia Menethil should cause a great deal of uncertainty in the Forsaken people whether or not they love or hate her.

The Forsaken should have a prime place in the story right now… its so immensely frustrating that they don’t. Between their need for anew identity and Shadowlands itself I’d have thought we’d have a lot to do with them.

Wish it wasn’t Systemlands and was actually a story players could get into…

I see so much of what WoW’s story could be and it feels like its all being squandered for pointless grinds and useless trinkets…

They have no leader, they have no home, Sylvanas used them.
They’re no longer forsaken, they’re readily accepted as allies by the horde, even the humans were considering accepting them back.

Over in the San’layn thread, I was saying it’d be cool to see a large story faction of undead rise up. Rebuilding various kingdoms and allying themselves with each other.
San’layn building a village and castle in Deatholme.
Undead taking and rebuilding Lordaeron, I’d even like to see Arthas return as king.
Maybe Icecrown could be ruled over by Bolvar and the Ebon Blade could have outposts there and a variety of the other locations.
Maybe add in Azjol’Nerub as a large playable zone with a town of the nerubians allying as well.
An undead council of the various leaders.

Lots of neat stuff could be done.

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My standing hope is:

  • They recenter the Forsaken as a race of Azerothians who had been condemned to the Maw correctly, as a second chance in life to at least make it to Revendreth/Purgatory
  • They make the Forsaken the agents of the Primus, “House of the Forsaken”, so there’s a narratively justifiable reason to keep their anti-hero, Victorian Gothic Penny Dreadful, Southern Gothic, 20th century Zombie Horror, Traditional Folklore Horror themes
  • They walk back this Calia-Lightforged nonsense, have the Primus give her a makeover, or maybe revive the fact she’s a discipline priest hero in Legion and give her a Necromantic-Shadow Banshee form and her “normal” porcelain Lightforged form
  • Give us a questline where Calia meets with each “type” of Forsaken: she goes to Windrunner Spire with Velonara, she walks around Tirisfal with Belmont, Faranell, and Lilian, she meets with Natalie Seline (WHO SHOULD BE FORSAKEN AS MY OP INSISTS) and Alonsus, she meets with Delaryn and that one Leper Gnome Undead that the Forsaken have, etc
  • Have Faranell made into the new Grand Apothecary (finally) and taught by Marileth to undo the blight in Undercity
  • Have Helcular and Abernathy be liches taught by Sin’dane, so Forsaken can use “proper” necromancy
  • Have Rathan teach the Forsaken better Fleshcrafting techniques to restore their bodies
  • etc

So much that could be done.

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Man, I love the bearded undead look. Especially because with the leaning posture it really puts the beard in focus.

I think bobby should resign.


Me too. I’d love it if my lady forsaken didn’t lumber around like kyphotic sasquatch.

Same! I also want more gothic hairstyles for them in addition to regular hairstyles. Heck, let’s have cutesy ones for femsaken that want to look cute. Give them a sweet cherubic face option that belies the nastiness beneath the surface.

I said something very similar to this before and I’m glad somebody else sees the same thing I do.

Let’s hope they and the night elves get a better more meaningful focus that continues the threads left dangling in BFA during the next expansion.

Big same, Fen. The story is basically irreparable after a combination of both BFA and SLs. SLs just happened to worsen the damage created in BFA beyond fixing unless both BFA and SLs are retconned. That won’t happen, but still…

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They shouldfix this.


Yes. There should be posture options for every hunched race, really.


I have hunch we won’t be getting this any time soon.

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