Hello ive been playing wow for a while now ive done legion cata pand and just recently shadowlands so far just did heritage armor for forsaken
How ever i was wondering if forsaken (plus other races) have there own storyline like the chromi timeline i want to know sylvana before the shadowlands or if its a specific timeline as during the forsaken heritage armor quest she said my most loyal ally so i was wondering if forsaken have there own story with sylvana that i can do and build up reputation up with sylvana or if there is a guide i can follow i did try searching but all that pops up right now is heritage armor vids for forsaken.
If you are interested in how she was first portrayed and haven’t already done this, play classic wow. Run the starting quest area, the silverpine zone quests. In wotlk, do “The Lady’s Necklace” quest. The song at the end is worth the work, in my opinion.
If you are reffering also to the Sylvanas loyalist quest that gives you the extra quest during heritage you need to have done the BFA campaign with her and declare yourself a loyalist ,then if haven’t done the heritage quest it will open it up.
If you already did the hertiage without being a loyalist will not get the extra little message quest from her.
The Lady’s Necklace quest can be found at Windrunner Spire in the Ghostlands up the road from Sivermoon City. Just kill a bunch of the banshees there and it will drop,then do follow up to turn in and take to her in UC and turn in pick up the book it has the lyrics translated,she will pop into the song once turned in to her.