Forsaken Rp.. how do i get started?

Any tips? Id love to see some fellow forsaken Rp story just to kinda get a feel of what you personally use.
Just race changed out from vulpera. Ill be fair, forsaken warlock > fluff ball warlcok

My main tip is to remember the Forsaken should be weird but not intentionally. Keep in mind a Forsaken;

A. Already died
B. Craves and can be healed with the flesh of living humanoids
C. Can easily survive grevious injury

So they’re obviously going to have a different interpretation of reality. For example a Forsaken stepping on a landmine and having their legs blown a mile away is going to look at it as a big inconvenience- not a life changing trauma. Likewise stumbling upon a serial killer’s macabre artwork would inspire more mouth watering than stomach churning feelings.

Everything about them is a grim parody of humanity. Damp, cold crypts are as inviting as a hearth warmed log cabbin. Forebodding, darkened forests on moonless nights seem like a great place for a stroll. Blood thirsty darkhounds and venomous giant spiders are their dogs and cats.

But most importantly keep in mind who the character was in life and to what extent undeath changed them. Some of my characters are twisted mockeries of what they once stood for. Others are still trying to fight for noble causes in their own way. And others are barely affected by undeath at all and go about their lives with just some changes.

That’s kind of the beauty of Forsaken characters. Undeath affects everyone’s personality but how much is up to you. My Death Knight was once a crusading Paladin who now preaches the merits of undeath instead of faith in the Light with the fervor only a scorned lover can manage. While my Undead Hunter was a fighty criminal with a drinking problem - and he’s still that but rides a bat instead of a horse and drinks his bourbon with blood instead of ice now.


what about role playing as a picky eater? I kinda want to go the nobility route with this character. A 1% type of social standing who has a choice pallet and a fixation on beauty but then became a hideous corpse.
Kinda like a Cleopatra from nosferatu lore.
Or a splicer with a bunny mask.

whats the proper way to role play with a darkhound pet?

I’d RP her as a picky eater but, it refers to humanoid flesh and viscera. What’s a proper meal look like to her? What’s insulting low class slop look like? Will she happily devour the elegantly cut torso of a human aristocrat but scoff at the gelatin boiled out of draenei hooves?

Now the vain aristocratic angle is interesting. A wealthy and/or deadly Forsaken would be spoiled for choice in terms of making themselves beautiful. If they’re jealous of a pretty face or any other feature they could always hack it off and stitch it onto themselves.

An aristocrat however posses an interesting problem. We see few wealthy Forsaken and those that are seemed to have earned or reclaimed their fortunes like Alexi Barov or Carlston. The only wealth she’d have immediate access to are the copper pieces on her eyes upon being raised. If she does come from some great fortune she better hope she has liquid assets she can go get. And beyond that hope nobody else stole them.

That could make for a good immediate goal. Trying to reclaim her family’s holdings so she can live the life of opulence and beauty that is her birthright.

But with Forsaken there’s always the ‘And then?’ question. They’re functionally immortal. There is no happily ever after as there is no inherent after. There’s just the ever.

Does the mind degrade after so many years?

That doesn’t appear to be the case. To my knowledge one Forsaken NPC complains about the mindlessness setting in. She also appears to be a grandma that maybe just managed to get a grip on her mind. The many mindless undead who roam Deathknell are the ones who couldn’t get a grip. And beyond that you’ve the rotbrains who snapped shortly thereafter.

The oldest living undead human is Meryl Felstorm, clocking in at 3,000 years. Now for reference that is the natural lifespan of a Quel’Dori and dudes fine.

At any rate my oldest Forsaken is Benedikt at 15 years of undeath. He was turned at 30 so he’s starting to have been undead for as long as he was alive. And it’s beginning to show as to a point he’s stopped caring about the living’s concerns as to his nature. But I imagine down the line an extremely old Forsaken would just come off as more weird than incoherent. Basically this;

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i love that video so much

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Stuff like What We Do In The Shadows and for a throwback the Adam’s Family I think is a good basis for a Forsaken character.

At the end of the day they’re still people, and they’re undead not dead. They still have mundane stuff to do everyday and still want normal things everyone else does. That’s my biggest annoyance with Blizz’s writing of the Forsaken.

Just them living around themselves and the other Horde races is such fertile ground for stories. Benedikt for example has a bad habit of entering as a living shadow through cracked windows and under doors. Which unnerves the crap out of strangers but those use to it just see an unearthly shape skittering to the bar and pour his usual before returning to their duties.

Stuff like that and how unlife in the Apothecarium was a mundane 9 to 5 to the Apothecaries doing Dr.Frankenstein stuff therein. The Forsaken should be weird and unsettling but in a (to them) boring way.

ty for this, making a dk female forsaken, been trying for years XD

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