Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland


So what you’re saying is, there is always going to be someone like this guy

Who will grasp for anything to complain about?

Don’t be this guy. Please?


There are some people at times that I suspect on their tombstone will be “They made us abandon Kalimdor”.

…so yes.


That actually makes me sad. I don’t know why people play a game they keep saying that they hate so much.


I chuckled at this soo much, that ppl here at the gym looked at me scared, you made my afternoon hahaha.

I’m a sylvanas fan and I hated that she was “removed” from the history the way she was, but I never created threads and threads about how disappointed I’m with blizzard for this. Cuz at the end of the day it is just a game. I hope some NE players here can find peace.


I honestly am more than ready for the kaldorei to not be the focus anymore.

I think we are good, we have been eating good, just let me finish this storyline without doing the raid, i dont have the time to find a raid group.


Not really much of a prediction since when is there a time that a Night Elf ISN"T upset?


That’s what LFR is for.

I couldn’t agre more with you. Both about the NE and the situation with raiding.
I do not have time to raid, I play this game to escape reality a bit, but just a bit.
So… I do wish that MAIN quests are not tied to raids Or at least have a skip button for us.

No point in a skip button since that literally is the end of content for this expansion.

I usually just wait it out. They’ll eventually release the last Chapter New Beginnings after a while for the rest of us. They’re aware not everyone raids, or likes doing LFR

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I have hopes going forward they might make an AI alternate path that gives worse gear but lets you progress the story at your own pace. Kind of the raid, but tuned down to be ran as if it is a five man dungeon.


The good new of the week: Night Elves are still in Kalimdor, even Darshore and Feralas are here. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:






The Night Elves would probably get Kalimdor back if the writers found a way to blame the Scarlet Crusade for it and use them as punching bags yet again.

Since the Scarlet Crusade are just pixels and not playable, I’d be fine with that.

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Crazy how easy it was to assume that the Nelves didn’t all just mass exodus Kalimdor, isn’t it. Crazy how easy it was to assume that, no, not even the vast majority of all Nelves across the planet moved there.

Crazy how literally every sane person sat back and waited for additional information before making massive judgement calls.

Crazy how the people whose cognitive function doesn’t go beyond chewing the end of a stick to create a point couldn’t figure this out and created multiple threads writing paragraphs about how much the lore has ‘done them dirty’… As if they personally were affected by the existence of Amirdrassil.



Dude’s been weirdly silent ever since the new ptr info dropped.


You can’t really blame anyone for believing that. So far we’ve had contradicting information paired with Devs Silence regarding current state of Kalimdor.

On one hand we have the notion that Night Elves HAD to move out of Kalimdor and live as homeless people in Stormwind because they had nowhere to go. Firstly because Darkshore got destroyed and Ashenvale conquered by Horde. The after reconquering our lands we had Exploring Kalimdor saying the same thing.

On the other hand we were told we indeed got our lands back but for some reason we were unable to build a new city on Kalimdor and HAD to make it on another continent? That tells us we either have no land or it’s destroyed and unusable.

One way or another I think Blizzard cornered themselves with that deal.

Finally nobody is denying how nice the new zone looks rather than the inconsistency we are getting from Blizzard.


It wasn’t that Blizzard was ‘inconsistent’, it’s simply that they weren’t providing a ton of information on it yet.

Kalimdor nor the Nelves were the focus at the time, now that they are they’re providing the information surrounding them.

Realistically, they likely only just wrote all of this out and weren’t interested in putting down any specifics until they knew exactly what they wanted to do with the Nelves.

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That actually is Blizzard’s fault to use Night Elves in such a way that deeply impacted their lore but to further other stories.
In each patch/expansion Night Elves were “prominent figures” but when the time came to do something someone else came and snatched their content.
That way we had people saying NE fatigue but also had NE fans rightfully angry about the story.
Nobody really won and it showed how fragmented ans out of touch with Fandom and Lore Blizzard was at the time.
Whether we like it or not we are finally leaving that dark time behind and we can move on.
It’s no secret I deeply loath being on the Dragon Isles but even I admit we could’ve had it worse.