Forsaken Questions

I’m a returning/ new to WrA player. I see references to different Undead generations; what is that about? If this character’s concept is one of the “new generation” of human Dark Rangers trained by Nathanos referenced in the Stormheim intro quest, what generation is that? Do characters refer to their generation IC’ly?

Does anyone have a breakdown of the different Forsaken political movements?

Anything else I need to be aware of to successfully RP a Forsaken character? Thank you for any answers.

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Forsaken generations is usually separated by whether you became undead during the events that happened in warcraft 3 or after wrath of the lich king.

Became undead under Arthas you are a first generation. Raised by Sylvannas and her Valkyr you are second generation. It does get a little dumber with Forsaken Death Knights but timeline wise it depends if you got raised by Arthas or Bolvar and you just fall back on whether you’re an Arthas undead or Sylvannas undead. It’s pretty silly tbh

I don’t think I have really RPd with other deaders that made this a big deal but I haven’t RP’d in like two years and even longer on my undead.

To be fair a lot of it is fanon.

If Blizzard didn’t write all their races to just be one boring monolith it is safe and fun to speculate on the political turmoil the Forsaken are likely going through being betrayed AGAIN but this time by Sylvannas and now having Calia tip toe her way into the throne room.

So it’s more for you to ask what does your character think about all this?

Where they a dedicated supporter of Sylvannas? What are their thoughts on the Memethil family and Calia possibly taking over as leader? Does their thoughts from when they lived played a part in this or did they spend decades in undeath burying it all.

It is something fun and unique for you to determine for your character.


You’re either Forsaken or you’re Fauxsaken.


only time i can think of new forsaken is in the Cata questing for Plaguelands

Alliance and Forsaken fight over Andorhal
Koltira is taking too long so Sylvanas has you use a Valkyr to kill and rez some attacking farmers…something to that effect

Not really, other than Desolate Council and Cult of Forgotten Shadows, which i guess is technically a religion but c’mon…

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Generally the only time “generations” come into play is for Death Knights, because it has a bearing on the type and style of Death Knight you are, what abilities you may or may not have, and cause 1st gen DKs are so wildly different from the rest to be their own thing, almost proto-Death Knights.

Forsaken have much more vague “generations” since you’ve been able to create a new Forsaken character whenever you wish from Classic onwards. A mindless undead regaining their self awareness can theoretically happen at any time with any justification you can think of.


yes! ive forgotten theyre constantly rezzing ppl over in Dethknell!

are there limits on that? like only the recently dead or is -every- Lordearon person getting a second chance?

That is a good question. And you’d think they’d have run out of graves by now. Do you think there’s a secret Forsaken corpse trafficking ring that restocks Deathknell now and then?

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omg theres probably a whole “Repopulation Division” that just goes around stealing corpses from everyone

Their motto is “Everybody Matters”


What makes one a Fauxsaken? I want to do an old-school Forsaken loyalist (that begrudgingly allies with the Horde out of convenience), sick and wrong, darkly humorous character.

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Calder Gray is a Forsaken.

Calia Menethil is a Fauxsaken.


I’ve seen various explanations for how a Forsaken character came into unlife. Some are shunned by other players and some are held as creative. There isn’t a whole lot of people to criticize you now-a-days if you went the dark ranger route. To paraphrase the first commenter, “it’s up to you”.

Bates has forgotten to mention the now 3rd generation of Forsaken which is basically all the Alliance, but mostly Elven, units that were raised by Sylvanas before the bonfire.

Technically there isn’t any in-game connection to political movements. There might be one later, but for now it’s a creative thing that some might play around with.

Take this for example. This could mean you want another single ruler instead of a council. But, do you want another strong Sylvanas type of ruler or a altogether different one like Calia?

I call the former type a resurrectionist Forsaken because they want to resume the golden age under Sylvanas. The latter are referred to as Pro-monarchist Forsaken by most people because Calia is royalty from our living days.

As far as tips for RPing Forsaken, it sounds like you are set up fine. You have a clear description of how you want your undead to act. You should have an opportunity to mingle with some other Forsaken at the meeting coming up next month.

Forsaken who max out their parents’ credit card on shooty game skins are Fortnitesaken.


You joke but I think i’ve seen plenty people in the past saying they are forsaken but use another race as a placeholder and be a dk to portray there undeathy-ness. it was a nice work around but it stinks since… well your stuck as a dk unless you really know your rp and know some sets to look the part.

Also seen the reverse be done, just go with forsaken but say they’re an elf or whatnot which is also a fun but of rp. I think the weirdest part of undead rp is the ‘i’m undead but i’m pretty enough to bonk wink wink’ unironically, seen it from dk as well making me wonder what sort of sadism hell I hath crawled into. :weary:

Forsaken who cling onto old shooty games covered in bots and happen to just be in two forts in daytime would be Team forsaken two.

I do! Frequently, and with great aplomb!

But I think you misunderstood the jest.

Forsaken is more than a race, it’s even more than being undead. True Forsaken is more a… creed? Ethos? You don’t have to be an undead human, or even undead to be Forsaken. So those people using DK’s (or any race) as place holders are perfectly fine as long as they share the ideology of their fellow Forsaken.

Though I suppose that ideology is evolving and is kinda more difficult to define these days.

I personally prefer the original ideals of “Death to the Living!”

From the Vanilla Forsaken intro.

“Convinced that the primitive races of the Horde can help them achieve victory over their enemies, the Forsaken have entered an alliance of convenience. Harboring no true loyalty for their new allies, they go to any lengths to ensure their dark plans come to fruition. As one of the Forsaken, you must massacre any who pose a threat to the new order, Human, Undead, or otherwise.”


Oh meant to post on my Forsaken appropriate character but forgot to switch lol

Anyway, I think it would actually be pretty fantastic if Blizzard presented the going forward with the Forsaken divided on how to govern themselves. It would be a perfect way to highlight their use of freewill, even more so now that Sylvannas’ influence has diminished.

Also I just want more representation for the race that I like playing represented by a characters that actually look like the player character. I didn’t mind Sylvannas too much since she is mostly a reskinned Blood Elf and her situation made sense with the context of Warcraft III but I dislike undead characters like Nathanos, Calia and Jaina’s brother.

How about reuse some of the models from Maldraxxus, toss in some Forsaken that are just full blown skeleton liches now or some that still have skin and parts grafted on and what have you. I don’t need them to be playable just make some actual important characters look actually dead and creepy.

Also shout out to muh boi Helcular from the Legion Tarren Mill invasions.

I want more characters like this

Anyway just going into a tangent about nothing


most of that I knew already and mostly didn’t mind, I mostly made a ‘oh… forsaken erp :nauseated_face:’ kind of joke. Its been forever since I herd the forsaken starting ramble and its delightfully devilish.

Yeah, I’m not about erp. I’ve read that if one puts “no erp” in their TRP profile, it actually means the opposite? Is that true, or if I put “no erp” will people generally respect that?

if i saw ‘no erp’, im just going to take it at face value and assume ‘no erp’

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Same. To me, ‘no erp’ means what it says. I only have character with a note ‘No fre-erp’ meaning there’s a gold per minute cost to be paid up front – subscribe to my newsletter for more ERP tips.


My Draenei I have no ERP/relationship RP noted in my profile as I’ve been in situations when I can tell the other person is fishing for that type of RP or they mistake my friendly character as someone looking for that type of RP. Some people really enjoy that type of RP and that’s fine but not something I’m interested in. It’s like when I’m guidless and people approach me for RP but they’re mostly just trying to recruit me for their guild vs just wanting to RP for fun and it’s just a waste of everyone’s time. Otherwise I don’t have it noted in my undead’s profile and no one has ever tried to proposition me for ERP, even before I became a bee infested skeleton lmao

Anyway I wouldn’t worry so much about the people that say its opposite land.

It’s also usually easy to tell who is here for ERP and who isn’t. Does their profile focus primarily on describing their appearances, especially if the focus is detailing out how big their horse size ***** is and **** and **** and other lewd details no one asked for but then two sentences or less on who their character is or where they’re from etc.