Forsaken & Kaldorei Heritage announced


So now we are down to Draenei and Darkspear and Pandaren and Dracthyr.


The Forsaken heritage armor is not terrible but itā€™s not exactly getting me excited. Itā€™s all about the quest and I canā€™t say I am excited for that either since itā€™s a empty victory without Sylvanas.


It looks good but it will probably have different variations and colors that enhances the over all theme. Weā€™ll see.

I am so excited to finally get Night Elf heritage! :sob:

I like the addition of a back piece on the Forsaken heritage teaser photo. I hope the Forsaken one has a robe option like theyā€™ve offered some races in the past, it would seem almost like an oversight if an apothecary or OG Shadow Priest vibe wasnā€™t included!


Please more Sentinel looking and less Druid looking armor! As many have said before, we already have plenty of leafy/nature armors.


TBH Iā€™m hoping that they pull some inspiration from Huntress Kasparianā€™s model in Tomb of Sargeras.

I was farming it the other day and realized that sheā€™s wearing unique armor that isnā€™t actually available in-game (that Iā€™m aware of) If you look at her in the Dungeon Journal you can see that itā€™s very huntress/sentinel themed.

Iā€™m with you, we have enough Druidic themes for Night Elves. As much as I do like that, Iā€™d rather see some more facets of the Kaldorei get some love.


Iā€™m hoping the colors are:

  • Purple Green as shown (Base Lordaeron, with the Lordaeron L as we see)
  • Black Red for Undead Thalassians (changing the Lordaeron L for the Sanlayn symbol maybe since they said everyone is Darkfallen)
  • Blue Gold for a more Lich-y feel maybe
  • white gold will sadly be a color cuz Calia

Now with the Forsaken armor I hope they get a plate looking version as well as a robe. They are after all people fallen at Lordaeron so itā€™s obvious it should represent all classes like warriors, priests and rogues for example.

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Iā€™m very curious on what the questchains will be about.


I hope the Forsaken one helps hammer out more of their independence without Sylvanas. Thereā€™s been a jarring absence of what the Forsaken as a nation even feel about her fate.

Youā€™d think that theyā€™d have more of reaction to the absence of a leader they revered to almost god-like devotion. The silence on that is kinda deafening.

As for the Kaldorei, I just hope itā€™s less boo-hooing to be honest. Night Elves being my favorite race, Iā€™m tired of feeling sad or disappointed. So if it can accomplish that in some way, Iā€™ll be pleased.


It is quite deafening. Itā€™s like they want to erase Sylvanas fans completely and hope we forget about what happened. Iā€™m sure some players will be happy about this, but itā€™s hard to picture a Forsaken Heritage quest without addressing the elephant in the room, or rather the elephant not in the room.


Yeah, I think Sylvanas (at one point) represented the forsaken perfectly. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any good way to tackle a heritage questline after what happened with her character, because who they were as living humans is kinda irrelevant. There really isnā€™t a heritage without Sylvanas spearheading it, but that character doesnā€™t really exist anymore even if they (god forbid) bring her back from the maw for it.


The way I see it they will likely make it about Calia reclaiming her kingdom, on paper it will be a good quest but I feel like the only people it will actually be happy about it is Lordaeron human fanboys because that seems to be a trend with these new Forsaken quests.

I also donā€™t see them using this opportunity to bring Sylvanas back from the Maw, but if they do Iā€™ll eat my shoe.


The Return to Lordaeron quest line was a massive, rotting, skeletal middle finger to this crowd, not fanservice for them. A few of this forumā€™s MHP types, whoā€™d spent years arguing that the Forsaken were evil usurpers to be purged from the Allianceā€™s rightful heartland of Lordaeron, quit the game in seething rage over it.


I wondered if Blizzard would:

A) lean into Lordaeron/human type stuff

B) lean into some sort of Sylvanas connection to pave the way for her return

C) go into some new direction and focus on other aspects of them

From the outfit, it looks like C with a touch of A. Thatā€™s good - just a bit of Lordaeron with that L, still holding on to that iconography - but also the grim Undead stuff.


Iā€™ve already seen some people throw fits because the forsaken heritage is ā€œstealingā€ the Lordaeron symbol and generally being mad about it being present on the heritage set.

That said Iā€™d like if the heritage actually spent time addressing a few things, mainly these:
The absence of Sylvanas since she literally formed this group and led them for so long, and what it means that she betrayed and is no longer with them.
Shared trauma of undeath.
Their heritage of Lordaeron. both as a former home to many of them in life, but also a new home to them all in undeath.
A bit about their future, preferably hopeful with this new democratic desolate council to lead them and rebuilding of their home.

These are the most important bits for me as I feel it encapsulates a lot of their heritage as a group. if I really could wish for anything more it would be the presence of the cult of forgotten shadow.


Gonna upset some other NE fans maybe here, but Night Elves donā€™t need a heritage story right now. As a night elf fan myself, the foremost reason is that what one would define as their ā€˜heritageā€™ is something that the new writers have shown they kind of dont understand, and I highly doubt that this would have changed in the small time between .1.# patches. They are more likely to further irreparably harm the fantasy of the Kaldorei out of ignorance than they are to really present it with proper respect rn.

That said, it is also just awful timing, because they just wrote out Malfurion. Who is one of the only characters, if you look back at earlier material, had a good understanding of the Kaldorei heritage, their losses, and an idea of moving forward and not being doomers about losing their immortality in noble sacrifice. But beyond that, he is also the Honored Master and a heritage storyline is the perfect chance to see him seeding a new generation, now that theyā€™re both mortal AND freed from the long years of warding the Emerald Dream to fulfill the terms Ysera put on the Kaldorei. Malfurion is far too powerful for most plots, it is why he usually shows up to be jobbered to hype an enemy up, but beaten off screen or holding back, or somehow impaired in some way. A questline thatā€™s about the identity of the Kaldorei, half of which he himself helped seed in their civilization, is the chance to show his character WITHOUT him bulldozing a threat or being turned stupid to hype up said threat.


At this point, I think having Calia around does the opposite. It pretty much cements the Forsakenā€™s claim on Lordaeron. There have been quite a few posters on these forums claiming the Forsaken had usurped the rightful owners, were squatting on stolen land, and that they needed to be shuffled off to Northrend. Generally of the male and human and paladin variety.

Turning the last remaining heir to the Menethil throne in to an undead (albeit a lightforged variant) pretty much tells these RPers - ā€œNah, Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. Yā€™all can just deal with it.ā€

Itā€™s been argued ad nauseam that the Forsaken are literally the Lordaeronian people raised into undeath, but that didnā€™t stop the RPers from whining about it.


Ehhh Sylvannas promised to give capital city back to living Lordaeronians, then killed Garithos and went back on the deal, literally the day she founded the Forsaken.

Best case scenario theyā€™re dead people whose claim to land wouldā€™ve expired on death, and chose to continue living with other undead who have no hesitated to just straight up kill other Lordaeronians just trying to stay alive after the scourging of Lordaeron.

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