Forsaken Human Models!

Hopefully i dont get flammed for this but i thought it would be a cool idea if undead had a toggle for a human model, much like nathanos. I see allot of arguments about alliance getting 2 undead elf skins and horde getting 1. This could be the solution and add more customization to the forsaken!



I had an idea like this a while ago! Didn’t get much traction, though.


I think its a great idea and more likely possible now. They already have the skin texture for them in place i assume. All they would have to do is slap the undead voice over on them and call it a day lol.

Thanks! Yeah, I would likely roll one.

Unfortunately it’s probably the popularity of Elves among players that allows Blizzard to spend more time on customizations for Elves versus other races such as Taurens and Dwarves whose customisation options are kept on the back of the queue…

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Yeah, I’m an elf player and seeing others get more love would be great. Won’t stop me from asking for what I want, like fangs & claws for Thalassian elves (san’layn stuff) especially now, but nothing crazy. More ear options. The like. I really wish Blizzard actually put a lot more effort into customization across the board.

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The way Blizzard works if they ever did this I would expect it to actually just be undead elves instead of humans.

So I didn’t realize this but they added some ‘’‘shoes’’’ that gives your feet ‘‘claws’’ so askin’ for claws for your hands seems super realistic.

We need some acrylic nails lmao

Yeah pretty much, plus I could have sworn there was a ‘claw’ transmog somewhere, like actual claws, but for the life of me I haven’t been able to find it. Think it is DH only.


Exactly – solution would be give the transmog to all, boom, don’t even need to make it a customization.

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Forsaken probably deserve it. Seeing as how human dks are a thing and can look totally alive.

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