Forsaken Heritage Armor?

The Forsaken are, presumably, getting a new leader sometime in Shadowlands. (Hopefully soon! :grinning:) When we do, I think it’d be really cool for us to get Forsaken Heritage Armor along with that. It could pay homage to the origin of the Forsaken when Sylvanas freed them from the Lich King and could mark the beginning of a new heritage under a new leader, ushering in a new era for the Forsaken.


The Forsaken already have a new leader, Lilian Voss. However Voss doesn’t intend to remain as leader for the long term. She actually views Calia as the long term leader the Forsaken need, with Shadows Rising suggesting that she may be training her for leadership.

And I can’t help but feel that the heritage armor will involve Calia in some way, minor or otherwise.


For good or for ill, I think you’ll have a bit of a wait before we find out. Iirc, they said Forsaken, Night Elf, Human, and Orc Heritage Armors are pretty low on their to-do list, because of the Warfront sets filling the niche for now.


In terms of heritage armor, I feel the next pairing will probably be Trolls and Draenei, then Pandaren, then Orcs and Humans, then Night Elves and Forsaken. Last two pairs may be interchangeable, we’ll see.


My heart says give Huojin and Tushui different questlines and sets to help distinguish the two groups further, and help build them their own identity.

My gut says they’ll probably share the same questline and armour.


What’s the least played race at 120? I’d assume that it’s either diapergnomes or pandaren.

My guess is they’ll be just different enough to say they’re different, before falling back on MoP’s “We’re not strong in spite of each other, we’re strong because of each other” nonsense. And the armor’d be the same, just in red or blue tints.

If they ever pick Heritage Armors back up. It’s been a good minute since we’ve heard anything about them.

Last I saw pandaren had twice the playerbase at max level than goblins.

Well, honestly there probably isn’t anything to say. They said they’d continue it, and we don’t really have any content patches until Shadowlands, and they seem to be rolling these out with major patches rather than just on their own.

I imagine the Forsaken Heritage armor will probably be designed around the Royal Apothecary Society. They apothecaries are a pretty significant aspect of their entire culture and identity, whether for evil (as we’ve seen with the Blight), or for good (as we saw in the recent novel with the one apothecary helping Horde refugees flee Arathi).

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Or the dark rangers.
Or something generically evil like the Darkshore Warfront armor.

Honestly I’m not sure how they’d do better than the Warfront armor. At least for the Forsaken. The plate and leather are meh, I actually think they look better on my Zandalari and Orc respectively than any of my many deaders.

But the cloth and mail is chef’s kiss. Love that arbalist/spearman and beaky plague doctor look.


I have no idea why do you think so when the answer for a long time was that the situation with the forsaken will be adressed next expansion.

And this is a big problem. Because, what would it be?

For some, that would definitely be something assotiated with Lordaeron. But for other a suggestion of such symbolics would be like an insult. So, what is it even supposed to represent - is not a clear answer. For some the more important part is who they are now. For others - who they were before.

Time will tell how the devs see this situation.

Why do you think so? I looked around, and I see neither Calia looking for a way to be the queen, nor for Voss stating that Calia is the suitable leader she wants to see.

My theory is that around the time when new model for Calia was datamined, people noticed “golden one claim the vacant throne” and view it as the confirmation. A rather weak one IMO.

It very well might be the case. But it is all about the details.

gl hf

The quest “The Hidden Need” revealed that Voss felt Calia can help many who feel lost, and she outright told us that many of the Forsaken were lost. Furthermore after completing the Warchief of the Horde quest, Voss and Overlord Geya’rah have a conversation in which Voss admits that while she’ll lead them for now, she feels another is more suited.

And then Shadows Rising has a moment where Thrall deduced that Calia was expecting to be tested by Voss. Thus it’s a reasonable assumption that Voss sees Calia as the more suited leader for the Forsaken and has taken to training her for it.

Now in regards to Calia herself. At the end of Before the Storm she did make a comment about how one day she would be ready to lead her people showing a desire to lead, which is the closet we’ve got to her displaying a leadership desires. She didn’t comment about it in BfA or Shadows Rising.

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No they didnt lol, heritage armor is countining in shadowlands, in every odd numbered patch

I can tell you the funny thing about that quest. The fact that Calia can help, does not mean, that it is a pure feel of joy overflowing Lilian. It could also be understanding, that when she saw Calia chatting with Jaina, she understood that Calia could be a tool to get something from the alliance. Like, to get back to ex-Lordaeron territories, be it Undercity or anything in Plaguelands.

And this exact quest ends with the line “Lilian’s machinations are becoming clearer”. Like, that definitely would mean, that the motivation of Voss is pure and simple, right? Motivation of the person who always had plans for her future. And whatever those plans are, she got yet another tool to get it. IMO.

That could be anyone. Not necessary Calia.

This book shows that the main theme of Calia is “I thought all you need to unite the living and undead is to say that you want, but it turns out that what I though I knew about the forsaken is very far from reality”. Which I thought it could indeed lead to explanation of her trying to become a better leader of the forsaken, but it also makes her a perfect fit to help the living to accept undead.

Also, the book reveals nothing about what exactly are the machinations that Lilian uses with Calia. It seems that it’s not the time for this part of the story yet.

I am glad that you see that all of this “she will lead” is an assumption :partying_face:

Yup. Some totally would. Except that her staying in the horde is not the only way to fulfil this “prophecy”. Since her people, aka lordaeronians, live not only in the horde.

Looks like, if pre-patch data will stay in the game, she actually comments on some things:

  • she abandons her claims to the throne, at least for now
  • she stays in the horde because she wants to become the bridge for the living and the undead


To be honest, this is one of situations where I like what the devs do a bit more than what the community suggests, which is not too common.

I saw most of people just ignoring that lordaeronians are in both factions and that Calia is a character that will need to address both. While many people I saw ignoring this fact and just focusing on the forsaken and what she “owes” or should do just for the forsaken, the devs are actually aware of this duality.

So, I respect them for making a more sensible choice (at least for now) not to create a custom definition of lordaeronians that would include non-lordaeronian forsaken and exclude the living, but to at least acknowledge that this problem actually exists in the story.

P.S. I hope I did not sound too harsh or offensive anywhere, that was not my intention.

gl hf

I wasn’t offended and in all honesty I don’t actually like the idea of Calia leading the Forsaken. And many people are making that leap to Calia leading the Forsaken some day, due to Voss wanting to be a temporary leader, Calia’s increased story presence, and out all the current active Forsaken Voss had personally interacted with (Calia, Derek, Stone, possibly Tattersail) Calia is her main focus, and the one with the most recent story. Her joining us into Shadowlands further demonstrates that Blizzard wants to carry her story to continue.

Furthermore Shadows Rising had Calia interacting with other Horde leaders like Thrall and Baine, which means that Calia stepping up to Forsaken leadership could easily receive support from the others.

I’m honestly scared that they’re gonna make the Forsaken heritage armor with Calia’s aesthetic to push her further as the racial leader.


Nothing would be worse for the Forsaken than being “Spooky Stormwind.”


They’re in the game, just…

But seriously, the night elf sets from the Darkshore War Front are plenty sufficient. We basically got four heritage armors, with model and color variants. I’m guuchi.