The forsaken quest chain to obtain the heritage armor is awesome! I love the entire thing, as well, if you haven’t done the Return to Lordaeron questing, its even more fun to do both back to back. The starting areas for many races including forsaken are iconic, and embody some of what is the best still to date about the game.
A new battle against our age old enemy the Scarlets is on point and fun. I think this is the best questing WOW has offered in a good long while. Job well done.
As for the reward, the heritage armor, it has a lot to be desired. Blizz nailed the BE, NE, Human, Orc armor giving multiple tints to sets founded upon classic WOW. Why they thought it would be a good idea to diverge from that success, and give the forsaken a “Nightmare Before Christmas” cheesy set, with post cataclysm colors/feel, every undead stereo type, a clunky back piece and belts that show through a cape, is beyond me.
This armor set is probably the worst of all the heritage sets. Not that the individual items are the worst in the game, but the colors aren’t OG forsaken colors they are post cata colors, the style is not based on anything iconic, and the coffin backpiece, its not even a thing in game on any well known NPCs. And, it all comes in ONE color tint.
Understandable that the BE armor comes in one tint, as it is iconic AF, it literally looks like Silvermoon city turned into armor. The forsaken got a really great questing experience and really lost hard on the armor, I won’t use this set for any of my characters, and I have every available class of forsaken, and been dutifully playing this race since I first started in TBC. Its a shame.