Forsaken can be turned into Worgen

I thought this was a curious find buried in a quest from Classic:

    When Arugal cast his wretched magic on the forest, he cursed one of our most promising members, Apothecary Berard. Now a mindless servant of Arugal, Berard is useless to us.

Arugal’s magic is still not really well understood. However, we do know it was related to Alpha Prime somehow:

So it is interesting that while Worgen cannot be raised as Forsaken, Forsaken can actually be turned into Worgen.

Berard was never Forsaken. He was a human (well, Worgen-human) who happened to be an apothecary.

Small-a apothecary. He was a rando alchemist, not a member of the Forsaken Royal Apothecary Society.

The quest giver was Master Apothecary Faranell <Royal Apothecary Society>, and called Apothecary Berard “one of our most promising members.”

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Embarrassing, I misread!

In any case, this is pretty weird. We know from Death Knights that Worgen and Undead aren’t totally incompatible, but it’s still bizarre.

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More interesting, Apothecary Berard didn’t change form during daytime like the rest of the NPCs in Pyrewood Village back in Classic, so we’re not really sure if Worgen turned Forsaken can get out of Worgen Form, or if they have a second form is still Undead, or if the Worgen Curse overrides the corruption of undeath and their second form is living Human again. I don’t think Apothecary Berard was designated as undead back in Classic, though.

I believe this is a relic of before they had totally decided what the worgen curse even was. for a long long time worgen were described as extradimensional werewolves, basically.


That’s true, but will be something that will show up again when the Classic servers go up.