< Formula> Recruiting more for our guild! 11/12 Mythic Progression in Ny'alotha

LF Big Warlock DMG!

Still looking for more players for our raid team. Come join and kill some bosses before its to late! :smiley:

Another week, another boss down. 8/12M with Ra-den down now. Come join us!

LF Mage Warlocks!

We are still looking for more people to round out our raid team. Come join in on the fun and lets nuke the rest of these bosses together!!

9/12M now with drest down

2 new bosses down in one week…why would you not want to join this group!

Looking for more to help with Cara and then Nzoth!

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Cara down! 11/12 BOYS! Now to get Nzoth!

BUMP BUMPBUMP. LF Fire Mage, Warrior, or Ranged DPS

Bump still looking for more

Come join us for the CE!

Still looking for a few good players for CE and then SL

Still looking for players

Add me, Eyecee#1917 - 51% my best attempt but have watched and studied the fight for 2 hours.

Can come on my BM Hunter: Sphyro - Sargeras

ilvl 475 dh lfg. bnet-Rosgaros#1423. just transferred to sargeras and looking for prog raid guild. add me me if u like me to take a trial.

Nzoth is down. Recruiting for SL now!