Former wow dev confirms blood elves to horde

And I never said to take that part of what the Alliance got away.

What nonsense is that?

It’s an example of the point I was making.

The entirety of the fight. Unless you are solely counting doing damage and not just completely dominating the combat and leaving her opponent struggling just to defend herself not even a moment of maybe counter attacking.

That’s all you’re doing here.

Did I say that. Or did I say that when you try to assign the hero journey task of assembling allies to Saurfang that I think that Anduin filled that much more than him since Anduin assembled saurfang as his ally?

She was just crushing her windpipe.

Listen to your own words here.

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I think I explained this to you several times now. By doing what you are suggesting you are making the one singular thing Andiun accomplished in the entire BFA story a redundant action.

The nonsense that right after Teldrassil burned we got a high quality cinematic from the Orc who made it happen, his feelings on it, his perspective on it.
We also got some new blood Horde perspective as well.
That nonsense.

Given the fact that you think Andiun is the protagonist of the Saurfang cinematics I don’t think you are capable of judging anything clearly.

Project harder.

Yes you did say that.

Did she crush her windpipe? No? So she didn’t leave a mark on her.

I am, I am describing everything objectively and by the facts.
Meanwhile you are describing Andiun as the Hero of Hero’s journey because he was a support character. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What is that? Hero’s journey by proxy? Hero’s journey wireless? LMAO.
I guess Andiun recruited Thrall remotely too hahahaha

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No, you just decided that it’s impossible to split up a scene fairly and dismissed the point. What would be wrong with the player delivering a note from Baine that could just be vouching for Anduin’s willingness to help him after the Grimtotem coup? Or him seeing Zekhan again making him realize that he needs to do something (but can’t go back with Nathanos) and then Anduin can then bring his proposition up and that being him providing Saurfang with the means to act on his desire to save the good of the horde? You act like if Anduin wasn’t the sole reason that Saurfang started his rebellion that we might as well write him out

Please learn to read what I actually wrote and stop lying at me.

You can hear it in her voice, she didn’t finish crushing it, but it was happening.


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The Warcraft Encyclopedia was deprecated about a decade ago and Chronicles’s status is … sketchy. Ronmath held the truth back becaue if the general population of Quel’thelas found that their salvation came from a “night elf mongrel”, they would have rejected it entirely.

Andiun has so little in BFA that if you take this away he will have effectively nothing else to work with. So yeah I stand by my assessment, feel free to disagree but taking away the one thing Andiun accomplished in BFA then we might as well put him on ice.

I have. And what’s fun about reading is that you understand the intent of the person writing it.

funny how words work right? Its like they mean something.

Oh nothing is going to top what you said about Andiun being the BFA protagonist. I am still chuckling over it, the faction bias has broken your brain so much so that you can’t form a coherent thought.
Its all become a contrarian victim olympics.

And all this stemmed from what? Because I said “Thats your opinion” to curse?
Well you dragged me into the mud Tarrok. I am here for as long as you want.

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You really suck at it then.

A protagonist. A. One of a few.

You’re the one acting like Saurfang is the only one who did anything in the story.

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You are. You are taking away the one thing he accomplishes.

Yeah? Mr. Andiun is the Hero of the Saurfang’s Journey?
Yeah clearly you show those cinematics to anyone and the first thing that pops into their head is the pretty blond boy is CLEARLY the hero of this story.

I am the one saying he is the hero in this Hero’s journey. You are projecting and making crap up that I never said.

Now. Did Tyrande leave a mark on Sylvanas? Yes or no.
its a simple answer.

Come on little buddy. I know you can do it.

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Where? Tell me exactly where adding a little horde incentive for a horde character to act in the horde’s interest while still letting Anduin remain the inciting factor that gets him moving is removing the Alliance, and not that you think horde existing in the story removes the alliance also being in it?

No, I’m Mr. Your list of a journey was full of BS that doesn’t fit with the story.

I mean, the one he’s in is pretty centered on him more than Saurfang.

I’m saying your explanations didn’t make sense as you both call him out as the monster that burned the village AND the hero that saw the village burned down, or that the hero recruited is the one doing the recruiting.

That’s a nice specific question that excludes how she did beat her up because it wasn’t with a bladed instrument like Saurfang scratched her with before she ended him.

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The Horde incentive was already given when Zappyboy, I am sorry I forget his name and don’t care to look it up. Anyway zappy gave Saurfang encouragement and motivation to fight for the Horde.

What Andiun did was actually convince Saurfang out of his inaction, If you take that away then Andiun would lose the literal one thing he accomplished. So you might as well write him out. He is redundant and Saurfang didn’t need to be convinced because he would already be convinced. He would be by the door waiting for Andiun to open it so he can get to work.

That is the issue with your rewrite. We need Saurfang to be mopey so that Andiun can do his job as the supporting character to the hero.

My list is backed up by facts and I am not the one arguing Andiun is the true hero of the cinematic. Go upstairs and show you mommy or daddy the Saurfang cinematics. Ask them who the hero of the story is.

I can smell the poo from here you are so full of it. Like I said, go show the cinematics to someone without any bias or knowledge and ask them who is the hero of the story.

Oh I think he is a piece of garbage unworthy of any designation of hero, redemption or worship.

The cinematics make him the hero.
He saw teldrassil burn on the villain’s orders.
He gets captured and got encouragement to become the hero.
He leaves and recruits allies. (Like thrall, zappy boy and the players)
With the allies gathered he finally has the will and courage to face down the villain where he failed to do so before.

I don’t like it. But these are facts, these are what Blizzard chose to show as the hero of BFA and the one to save us all from the war.
Its terrible. But it is what it is. At least it looked really, really pretty while it shat all over us.

Did Tyrande leave a mark on Sylvanas.
Yes or no.

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High Overlord Saurfang says: I have have lost track of the time I have sat in this cell. But it matters not in the end.
High Overlord Saurfang says: After all she has done, I will never return to her Horde.
High Overlord Saurfang says: Make sure you know the difference between loyalty and honor.
High Overlord Saurfang says: And pray you never have to choose.

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From his previous state of wanting to die.
Clearly he has improved.

Answer the question.


Doesn’t sound motivated to do anything there.

Not gonna play your dishonest game when you keep lying to me about what I’ve been saying to you.


He clearly made a distinction between HER Horde and another horde. Presumably his.
Nothing else you posted is objectionable, it’s a hero that needs the push in the right direction and Andiun provided that.
Your idea would have this completely removed, Saurfang would already be ready to fight Sylvanas, he would already be sharpening his blade and getting his boots shined. And Andiun would have zero contribution besides opening a damn door for him to stroll out of.

Did Tyrande leave a mark on Sylvanas.
Answer the question.

If you want to talk about honesty, then don’t quote Saurfang out of context at one his lowest points before he actually becomes the hero. He is doing exactly what I described he did. The hero just saw the village burn, he is dealing with his emotions until he is ready to deal with the villain.
Since you aren’t a 5 year old child I know you understand what is happening.



You’re a dishonest Alliance biased little gnome who can’t stop lying his dishonest little butt off to me about my own words while acting like I’m the one who’s manipulative


Everything I say is factually true.
You cannot name a single thing that I posted here is factually untrue. We can disagree on many things but not the facts.
You can’t even admit the simplest things because it goes against the contrarian arguments you have built around yourself like a cage. Thats why you keep arguing in smaller and small rooms.
If I say something that is purely my own opinion or interpretation, I admit it.

As seen in the example above.

You are.
Now are you going to admit Tyrande did not leave a mark on Sylvanas or not?
But we both know why you can’t. Because you would be directly contradicting your own gaslighting posts earlier.


Sadly the devs have taken the stance that everything is propaganda, and all depictions are being viewed/crafted by unreliable narrators.

Basically, the devs have become alt-truthers regarding the lore.

For me this just means that nothing anyone says can prove I’m wrong because by the word of the Dev’s all of the lore is unreliable and thus, I’m not wrong…

Which means that Legion/BFA/SL/DF and all of the BS that Sylvanas was accused of doing never happened, as depicted, and the Horde has never had a Warchief who engaged in genocide or actively sought out war. General Garrosh has continued to gain experience and wisdom and even started to respect the other races under the continued mentorship of Thrall and Saurfang.

Also, the blood elves told Velen to take a hike and refused to restore the Sunwell instead seeking out other solutions besides the draining of magic. The Blood Knights eventually learned they didn’t need the naaru to use their will driven power and after making contact with the Nightborne the Blood Elves began cultivating their own variation of the Fruit tree calibrated to their specific needs and with it cured their people while also restoring their ancient druidic and shamanistic connections.

Yep, none of the lore can prove me wrong because it’s all from unreliable narrators…

I already hate myself for typing that up, even if I wish virtually all of that was true, because I hate this kind of use of the unreliable narrator mechanic as it can be a useful tool for the writing of a story, but the dev’s use just feels pointlessly lazy and vindictive.


I get my account banned for one week and you all derail this thread completely. You can make up any lore written or not to validate BE being on horde, but the fact remains it was written that way to appease an audience.

As opposed to all those video games designed to repulse and repel audiences and customers.

FF14 must be such a game, because I find it repellent.


I guess some people don’t understand that the blood elves were added to the horde for a number of reasons. Marketing being just one of them


Ahh I meant to reply to you earlier but was banned. The devs (most likely metzen since he was the guy) changed their direction to appease a certain audience for money. Obviously this happens in life, but the norm is a story teller to tell the story they want to tell, popular or not.