Former US 4th Raider LF CASUAL Guild

Hello, Im Acog. I used to raid with Vigil back in the day, when we were US 4th. A lot of time has past since then and I’ve been in multiple other CE guilds ranging from US 10th - 180’s ish.

At this point in my life I’m just looking for a place to call home. Looking for a very casual guild that still likes to stay semi relevant. I’m an NOT looking to play with a bunch of idiots though. My ideal guild would be a group of actually skilled players who enjoy a casual, laid back environment. I am a open to the right heroic guild also as long as there is a great community.

I’ll be playing on my DK who I posted on here. I’ll be Transferring back to MG once the AH bug is fixed. I recently main swapped to this DK so I am still in catch up mode, but I’m almost there. If interested, here is a link to my feats of strengths:

Add me on bnet