I just came back from a break and would like to step back into the mythic scene. Ideally 2 days a week.
I can play shadow priest/lock/mage (pref shadow).
I am looking for a new guild to call home.
My btag is Dipipis#1760
I just came back from a break and would like to step back into the mythic scene. Ideally 2 days a week.
I can play shadow priest/lock/mage (pref shadow).
I am looking for a new guild to call home.
My btag is Dipipis#1760
9pm-12pm est Wed/Thur.
13/26m Awakened
6/9m AtDH,
Recruitting melee DPS (Rogue, DK, DH, Enhance),
Ranged DPS (Mage, Dev Evoker, Elemental Shaman, Hunter, Boomkin, Lock)
1 Holy Pal
LF 520+ Raiders And/OR Returning Players for mythic content now and TWW.
discord - quixoticc24
i sent a friend request jrzo#1414
our guild raids tues/thurs 8-11pm est and the name is “jump off” on zul’jin horde. Our goal is mid-mythic to deep mythic.
the core of our guild have been playing together for many tiers and we are looking to add new people to the mix.
Hi Plagatox
BiOL is looking for a few more raiders\M+ers. We are looking for Mythic raiders looking to prog and also fill in raiders who are more casual. You didn’t mention your availability so check us out below and if we seem like a fit give us a poke.
Good luck to you regardless!
We could use a spriest going going into TWW. We raid Thurs/Mon 7-10pm PST. We’re a mythic progression focused raid team. More info about us and stuff in post below. Hit me up if you are interested. Thanks!
About us:
Juiced-Area 52
Is a brand new competitive end-game progression guild located on Area 52 Horde. We broke off another guild that had been around for years to form a more serious approach to raiding, and progressing in a competitive manner. We are at 18 weeks old as a brand new guild and in that time we’ve manage to set a great foundation, achieve AOTC within 2 weeks of Admirdrassil being released, and go 6/9M in our first raid tier ever as a guild. We are looking to push further and harder in the next upcoming mythic tier to achieve what every progression raider wants…CE
Progression: (New Guild) 6/9M (Smolderon 2.2%)
Weekend Progression
In order to give more opportunities to people wanting to step up and raid, and participate in our ever growing community, we are forming a Weekend Raid team!
Raid Schedule: Mythic
Friday - 8:00 - 11:00PM EST
Saturday - 8:00 - 11:00PM EST
Recruitment Information:
Currently Recruiting:
Encouraging all exceptional classes to apply
We are always looking for exceptional players, All spots are competitive in our guild, and we will always slot the 20 - 25 best players/classes for progression
What can we offer you?
What truly sets us apart is our sense of community. We’re more than just a group of players – we’re a family. We support each other, share our knowledge and expertise, and celebrate each other’s successes.
Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a new player just starting out, we welcome you to join our ranks. Our guild offers:
Overall, We’re here to be competitive, and kill bosses. We are driven, and everyone has the common goal of achieving CE in future tiers soon.
If you feel this is something you’d wanna take part in, feel free to Contact me: Bowgopeww (Weekend Raid Leader) Discord - **the_justicar or dee_vii ** or *B-net - Judgemental#11462
If you’re still looking
Hey there! I see you’re looking for a guild with 2 days but I’m not sure what times you prefer. I’ll reach out to you shortly, but I also wanted to leave this here so you can see our info before-hand as well! Regardless, good luck on your search and I hope to hear from you soon if you’re still looking!
For a very brief TLDR: Casual/Mid-core raiding, 7:30-10:30pm EST Tues & Weds, mainly filled up with older raiders, no drama, chill vibes, 9/9H & 4/9M Amirdrassil while we were still progging.
Chaotic Neutral is a long-established semi-hardcore guild located on Alliance Turalyon that has been around since TBC! While we aren’t a hardcore CE push guild we do like to push as far as we can into mythic with a relaxed and chill raid environment, we’re a guild that prefers to have fun than get angry about progress.
We raid Tues/Weds from 7:30-10:30 pm EST. If you’d like more info on our previous progress please visit our WoWProg page, for our loot rules please visit our forum post. All we ask of raiders is to research fights and research your own class so you can play to the best of your ability!
We were 9/9H & 4/9M ATDH before our raid break. We completed all Awakened Heroic raids for the mount & title, so now we’re just on break til TWW drops.
We also have members who love running all levels of keys, and would be happy to bring more people along!
I’ll leave all our additional info below that I recommend checking out, but if you’re interested then please add my btag or discord to get in contact or put in an app on our guild site, hope to hear from you and if not then good luck on your search!
Guild Site: http://www.cnguild.org/
Forum Post: [A][Turalyon] - 9/9H & 4/9M! - Tues/Weds 7:30-10:30 EST | Recruiting DPS for S4!
Guilds of WoW Page: https://guildsofwow.com/chaotic-neutral
WoW Progress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/turalyon/Chaotic+Neutral
Recruitment Contacts: Btag - GingerHeals#11438 | Discord - sulveris
Hi Plagatox
Firehawk - Proudmoore is a raiding guild that was formed 15 years ago. Our goal is to continue to be a great guild with diversity offering raid experience for all levels of raiders. We field three raid teams, Vira our CE team, Corpse Run Mythic progression and Twilight Fenix, AOTC casual team. The leadership of Firehawk has been around since Vanilla and has high end leadership experience.
Corpse Run – Mythic Progression
6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:
Tuesday: 9:00PM-12:00PM EST
Wed: 9:00PM-12:00PM EST
What you can expect from us as a guild:
Strong/passionate/driven leadership that doesn’t give up.
A sense of community and direction.
What we expect from our trials:
Prepared with relevant consumables, gear, addons, and knowledge for raid.
Effort to integrate yourself with guild’s community.
100% attendance during 2-week trial.
The drive to improve personal play.
Please reach out to me via BattleTag: Guild Master Tèren – Shadowdancer#1115 or on Discord at _teren.
We appreciate your time and interest. Best of luck with your search!
Consistently Better is a new Raiding guild founded with the goal of creating a stable community where like-minded players can set and accomplish the goal of Cutting Edge and participate in seasonal Mythic+ content.
Raid Structure & Goals
Consistently Better’s goal as a raid group is to cultivate a team of like minded core raiders who work together to set a goal and accomplish a Cutting-Edge raid team.
Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday: 7:00PM-10:00PM (EST)
Friday: 7:00PM-10:00PM (EST)
Saturday: 7:00PM-10:00PM (EST)
Traits we value in our raiders:
Accountability - Be accountable to yourself and be accountable to the rest of the team. Recognize your mistakes, celebrate your achievements, and strive for improvement.
Reliability - Be trusted to follow through on your commitments. If you sign up to attend an event, be there. If something comes up take a moment to change your RSVP Status and notify your team-mates. We understand that life happens, and the real world comes first, but communication is key.
Preparation and Self Sufficiency - We want self-sufficient members who value each player’s responsibility to show up to raid as the best possible version of themselves. We expect each and every team member to take the necessary initiative to better themselves in-game and out. This means research, gearing, consumables, class/rotation knowledge etc… Teams are all about helping each other out and we are happy to help you gear, answer questions, or help you improve your play. No one wants to spend their valuable time helping someone who isn’t willing to help themselves.
Class Mastery and Performance - We want to ensure that our Core Raiders have achieved a reasonable level of mastery of their class/spec. Our Core Raiders should be striving to regularly improve performance.
Recruitment Process
Casuals are always welcome! Trials last 2-4 weeks as needed based on performance for the competitive roster.
If you are interested in applying for an active roster spot please message one of the Officer’s listed above via Discord or BNET.
GM(IGN Praysomeday)- Bnet-Failfixer#11337 Discord- Paintit#6745
Officer- (IGN Startrack)-Bnet-Startrack#2592
Officer- (IGN Drbodach)- Bnet-DrBodach#1817
Plagued is recruiting for our mythic raid team.
Days: Tuesday and Wednesday
Times: 9pm to Midnight PST
Would love to chat if you’re interested.
Discord: Dakgu