Former good player LF late night home

Former top 30 US raider (WoD-BfA) LF guild from AotC spammers to CE gamers. Not super interested in progging Mythic the entire tier to kill last boss last week of tier, would rather just AotC raid if that’s the case. Have XP on ranged and melee, can tank if needed.

Prefer Late night vibes as im a 30 year old gamer dad who puts his kids to bed at 8 PST.

Dont let the 6 year old XP fool you, im a full boomer these days lookin to just chill and kill bosses with the fellas


Hey Conor - sending you a bnet request. Figure I would post here too, discord is way easier to reach me at. Wondering if you can do 730 PST? Else we share a lot of the same vibes, possible perfect here, let me know! Good luck in finding a home.

As of July 23, 2024 join any guild on any realm. No server transfers necessary.

The Dignified on Blade’s Edge is a large active 13 yr old fun, player friendly guild where you can find many guild events scheduled on the in game calendar.

Casual raids Fri Sat 6-8pm CDT open to all guildies. Mythic Mondays, M+ in guild chat every day, weekly old content runs, parties, raffles, mog contests, old school fun things! For more information contact the guild GM (info below).

RBG’s for all guildies 4 nights a week. RBG push team 2 nights a week. **Recruiting a team leader/target caller to help establish and lead another push team. **

ABOUT OUR PROG RAID TEAM: AOTC every season and some mythic kills. Solid players with class flexibility. Leader and others have Mythic raiding background. Contact our raid lead (info below), if interested in progression raiding with us. Tue Wed 8-10pm CDT (9-11pm eastern).

Raid lead Discord: olrazzledazl
GUILD GM BNET: Stormy#1445


Hey there. I’m in need of am more good players. You can find my guild info below and can contact me on discord at mmoargynn if you have any questions.

Guild & Server: Maximum Effort / Cho’gall
Raid Times/Days: Wed / Sun 7-10pm PST
Recruitment Contact Discords: mmoargynn
Requirements: Must be semi hardcore, mostly chill, looking for progression and shooting for AOTC.
Needs: resto/boomkin druid > ranged hunter > dh dps = monk dps > rogue > paladin dps