Former AOTC Healer/Tank -- LF Raiding/Mythic Guild

Started in '04 and raided through MOP where we hit top 50 in the world (I was RL and MT) and AOTC. Been sporadically playing through the various expansions with raiding in Shadowlands (Holy Paladin), but want to get back into raiding for TWW.

I have 4 80’s, all roughly 600ilvl:
Blood DK/Unholy 595ilvl
Resto Sham/Enhance 601ilvl
Prot Pally (All 3 specs viable) 601ilvl
Demo/Destro Lock 600 ilvl

Looking for 2-3 nights per week starting at 7 or 8 CST during the week. Let me know!

Hey man! Happy Friday!

We’re recruiting more for our weekly Heroic clears, M+ groups, and getting a solid 20 man group together for Mythic raiding. We’re offering both hugs and cookies. Contact info below!

We raid on Friday and Saturday, 9pm EST to 12am EST, for our main raid group. We also raid 8pm to 11pm on Tuesday for an alt raid. Super awesome group and very friendly, very active, and even play other games together and have movie nights.

Feel free to reach out if it sounds like a fit!

We have already achieved AOTC

What we are looking for:

1 MDPS - Warrior/DK/WW/Shammy
1 RDPS - Evoker/Mage/Boomy/Hunter
Anyone willing to participate in M+ and push keys!

We accept all players and are not just looking for raiders.

If this seems like a good fit or even just interested feel free to reach out to us, either by replying here or messaging us on the socials.

Bnet: Dragonss#11100, Nymue#11411 Remane#1467

Discord: Dragons2406, Nymue37, Remane

Server Zul’jin: Dragonss, Nymueh, Rimaine

Thank you for your time and as always, Embrace the Chaos and be Epic!

The Corrupted Order. Looking for a great group of people to game with? Look no further you have found your new home.


The guild is progressing through heroic currently 7/8 having the boss at 37% P3 and looking for a Mage, DH, Monk and all healers! while also looking for tanks to trial through to see if you make the fit for our team! Our Prog group heroic times are 9pm EST on Tuesday’s and Friday’s.

Also have spots in our second raid group for individuals looking to get into raiding and looking for a group to start with. While also being able to progress and reach the point to joining the prog heroic team. All teams will be doing heroics. This day is Wednesday 8pm EST until 10:30.


Currently for the heroic team we are asking individuals to hit their 2k io score as a requirement, you do not have to do this alone! Many individuals including myself are looking to assist individual in climbing mythic+!

Old Content:

Our current Co-GM and GM also have the weekends planned out to do t-mog runs or achievement runs for mounts.

The Corrupted Order is home to anyone and everyone looking to have a great time with our members. Please reach out to Rahiko#1225 for any other information!

Our guild formed just a a week ago with a core of friends and players we’ve met this season, and are in the process of training up players new to H raid in TWW. Our core key team is currently doing 10’s but some members were looking to branch into raids so we’re training and onboarding other new players for our prog team. Today (in our first guild raid, with several members on alts, and 2 new tanks) we cleared the first 4 bosses. As we get people up to speed and we’re all on mains, I expect to be 8/8h quickly and pushing into mythic attempts. We already have several people with AOTC, including myself, so we’re very comfortable with the heroic raid and teaching it.

We need another healer, a few DPS spots, and a backup tank.

Add me on
discord - honkymagoo
Bnet - Honkymagoo#1968

My guild post:

No Pants Required is currently recruiting Tank for raid progression.
We are currently 7/8 Heroic and looking to push into Mythic after we clear raid. We raid Thursday nights 8-11 Central. We also have many 2000 Mythic+ key raiders, and usually run alt runs or other groups to fill out the week.

You can post here, or whisper me in game for more information.

bumped for an availability edit

Hello! I am looking for a healer for my relaxed raiding guild, we run tues/sun staring at 8:30est. Currently doing heroic progression (we started the season late). We also reclear normal on Thurs same time. Our guild is a lot of new/returned players, myself and my officers focus a lot on developing those who need help and growing together as a team.

Btag is Solara#1659 if ur interested!
Guild is Passive Aggressive on US Gorefiend