Forget the price, why is the Gilded Brutosaur a "license"?

On the page, it says " * Buying or purchasing this digital item is a license.". Why is this a license? When compared to the other mounts, and pets, its the only item with this annotation.

I would really like to know why. Seems kinda weird. I would understand if its because “you dont own a physical product, and are buying a digital item” but why would none of the other shop items be updated?

I think it due to some new california rule(see Steam purchases)


It’s not the only one. The 8 mounts for the 30th anniversary also says license. I’d guess it has something to do with crypto. You aren’t buying the asset, you are buying a license to use it.

Because you don’t actually own anything now bought online for online

You’re leasing it

Why would the other mounts not say it?

New law in California. The company has to clearly state you don’t own a product or a game, but a license to access it. So if you go to Steam and bought a game you’d get a similar message.

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I assume those will be updated in the future.


might not have gotten around to them yet to change it


Nothing changed in practice, it’s just updated legalese to make it more clear that you aren’t actually buying this stuff to ‘own’ it, only to ‘use’ it.


nothing changed, the only difference is they have to explicitly tell you youre buying nothing and it doesnt belong to you.

you lose it all if they close shop tomorrow, it always was the case anyways.


Because California passed a law that makes them have to state whether you actually own the digital product or not:


They’re required to say that for legal reasons now. OBVIOUSLY there is no way to use a WOW mount outside of WOW, as it doesn’t exist on its own.

If anyone does figure out a way to use the Brutosaur IRL though, I’m all up for it!


California and other country law purchases now require companies to inform you as to whether you’re buying a product, or a license to a product.

Seeing as the Brutosaur only exists within WoW, which is a game you bought a license to, you’re only buying a license to use the Brutosaur, since there’s no physical item that comes with it.

As for why other mounts on the website don’t use the same language. I don’t know. It’s possible that the laws are not retroactive and only apply to new products. It’s also possible that Blizzard simply hasn’t gotten around to updating their website yet for existing mounts.

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